The difference is that I admit historic records cant show that degree of accuracy. The most pristine USHCN stations with a 1 rating show insignificant warming for the last century. Phi, what is interesesting is Zeke’s Tobs only graph which shows half (0.3c) of the warming from 1980 on (0.6C) is TOBS only. Lastly to really understand temperatures (by 0.02C, with the little detail that there was only a 32% chance of that conclusion being correct since (misestimated) error is on order of 0.1C, omitted from the PR). we didnt set out to a good homogenizer. Find something to prove AGW wrong. Interesting pics of thermometers. When you have a few sites which satisfy the standard of purity, don’t draw any conclusions or graphs. Posted on August 3, 2019 by tonyheller. The adjustment is not continuous. For the simulations I worked on were were given 6 months to prepare for a test. There is your time right there if you want higher resolution take more readings, say 30 minute intervals as temperature can reasonably be expected to change within an hour, less than 30 minutes is probably too much. by Roger A. Pielke Sr. et al.,J. sure. UHI has been measured long before greenhouse effect became popular. What if you use only one station in my area that is more shielded from the wind? sorry, gremlins got in, corrected post below. I agree there are other possibilities, but if we believe that adjustments are relatively unimportant (Nick’s work seems pretty persuasive here as independent validation of BESTs work), to me the most plausible candidate is spatial sampling effects (note this is really tempo-spatial, since there could be differences in the amount of annual data used at the same site between the series). I have been looking around the BEST site trying to get a better sense of what you do, more on a macro than a micro scale. – Annie Lennox. There are two specific changes to the U.S. temperature observation network over the last century that have resulted in systemic cooling biases: time of observation changes at most of the stations from late afternoon to early morning, and a change in most of the instruments from liquid in glass thermometers to MMTS electronic instruments. TOBS is a US problem only, but even in the USA there are and were stations where trained professionals took the readings, and did it correctly. Spatial and temporal coverage is not adequate for a global average temperature. If you are interested in pure temps for comparison, you have to ditch every day with a wisp of cloud (What? Any scientist that buys the arguments of Hansen, Mann, Schmidt, etc. It’s fairly effective at removing genuine discontinuities between neighboring stations not related to artificial discontinuities. How can climate scientists know what those historic temperatures were with any accuracy. Note recent record late snow in places asserted to be “hottest ever”…. you just cant see it. J. Geophys. Some use averages of temperature. Thank you for the replies. And station moves, and changes to MMTS. 1. I think those observations need adjustments, too. Otherwise if would be like…. – Fred Pearce The Climate Files: When I watch a local weather report, they tell me what the max and min temps are expected to be over the next 4 to 10 days. Earth went from a warm, ice free world to and ice age world, using very well bounded cycles. I had a hard time getting my head around the issue so I decided to perform the analysis described above. Statistical uncertainty does not even approximate true uncertainty. It was attributed to thermohaline circulation. If the max is just average, and the min is somewhat elevated, I don’t think that hot weather is on the way. In any event, I think adjustments which increase one’s results by 20% certainly deserve attention and discussion. Meers ( of RSS) claims the surface temps are more reliable. Time of observation bias at Bismarck, ND for drift and drift-removed monthly mean temperature. Except for the US this is every station in GHCN with a century record missing less than 10% data. Then watch what happens when others pick up his work.. he finds a problem.. others claim its fraud. Given the data we make a prediction for each site. That requires more work than I have available, and from experience it’s rarely persuasive to the less math inclined. ... RCTs with measurement scale … A recent study done of the TOD Bias adjustment showed clearly that there is a bias of using the (min + max)/2 over the continuous average temperature. Nothing lives a foot over the surface of the ocean. all need adjustments. Their important finding is that altitude losses of only 1 km cause artificial cooling in T2LT while having virtually no effect on T2. And you’ve drawn a conclusion ( with no error bars) without even looking at approaches to the problem. This is a form of bias that is difficult to quantify. In GST we are looking at a 1 deg temperature change over a hundred years with an error bar the can’t be much less than half a degree at best. These choices in business and science are far more practical ( what do you want to do ) than people want to admit. Or have I missed something? :) And we better save some of that good stuff for future generations as the paleo-chart says they are gonna need it. Curious, “CaptDallas, thanks for posting a graph of a number of meta-records. the measurements are Adjusted (in RSS) to represent a single time. That way, each station has one single change, and there is no need to go back and “adjust” every single data point for TOBS. Then provide estimated adjustments with appropriate error bars. What Nick Stokes says is correct. structure with location or orientation can be safely ignored. Nobody has given me any compelling reason to believe I should. Futher CRN only exists from 2000 on. Does BEST make use time of observation metadata? Then you take TMin and TMax as proxies for average daily temperature. No matter, both sets of data for England, across 7 roughly matched pairs of Met office stations and PWS, show a cooling trend over the last 10 years. Examples of sampling bias include self-selection, pre-screening of trial participants, discounting trial subjects/tests that did not run to completion and migration bias by excluding subjects who have recently moved into or out of the study area, length-time bias, where slowly developing disease with better prognosis is detected, and lead time bias, where disease is diagnosed earlier participants than in … The actual maximum and minimum temperature readings are adjusted up or down to correct for the time of observation effect on “average ” temperatures? If there were a forgotten trove of long fully homogenous temperature records to use, it would be pretty nice. Who is making the estimates for global temperatures outside the U S during those 200 years and what are they basing it on? And now they claim 2014 was the warmest year on earht in recorded history. So I stopped arguing about TOBS cause the issue was and is dead. Afternoon thunderstorms (southerly busters) in the fifties and seventies in eastern Oz would certainly have given a disastrous bias to many summer readings. I once grabbed the temperature reading throughout a single day for two separate American cities to make a point, and by chance I used Denver on a day where the temperature fell over 30 degrees in under an hour. that was true in 2009, 2010, 2015.” We can “freeze” the legacy data series where it is with no further adjustments needed there, either. You only have the data. An informative answer might be e.g. Creating a modern global temperature record is simple in comparison to many things, including many things related to the global warming debate. Thx Mish, interesting. – Old adjustments : 1st half of 20th century is clearly warmer than current period. UAH measures without gaps and passes round the earth twice a day and covers most of it. here it is again: ‘Notice that nowhere is the correlation above 0.5 at 2500-km. So you have this time series going back to eras when people would think you and me walking down their street were aliens, and likely devils. While the error in aggregate would not be as large as the error for any given individual station, I do not know why uncertainties in TOBs adjustments are not rolled into overall series uncertainties (though, being independent from other sources of uncertainty, they would be added in quadrature). Climatol., 22, 421-434., Among are findings (in agreement with you) is, “Time of observation adjustments are therefore essential prior to comparing long-term trends.”. On the other hand, I could just suggest that folks interested in the nitty gritty read Karl et al or Vose et al :-p The rare pair of identical adjacent data points may well be an accurate representation of reality in a century of data. The only area were skeptics who respect their own time work is in those two areas. tree and building encroachment reducing surface wind velocity at the station. rather slight ( on the order of 10-15%) I’m perfectly capable of doing addressing these issues on my own, and given time (and a lack of response from them) will probably do so and if I find something interesting, I will publish the results. Is it simply a temperature reading once every hour, or is it a minimum temperature and a maximum temperature for every hour? =============, “Basing your conclusion on wikipedia is hardly a robust source. Res., 114, D05104, doi:10.1029/2008JD010450. The word Opps is used in Slang, Military meaning operations, “Any informed comments on these issues rather than TOBS. Secondly, when it comes to “homogenization” and correcting for station location / equipment changes, shouldn’t the closest CRN station be used as the reference? And would the trend in (Tmax+Tmin)/2 really represent the increase over the period? Otherwise since most of us are not scientifically astute or don’t have the time we have to rely on the experts. I looked at the daily precipitation data for several sites some years ago. Lets hope he sees this one. Rain is cumulative – generally quoted in per annum. Figure 3.1 presents the plots as “Time series of globally-averaged surface temperature….datasets.” The inference one could reach from this is And I rather suspect that human nature being what it is, that the readings were much more random than they were reported as being…, I authored the the piece and want to address some aspects of the comments by various folks. No, they simply point out that nobody has established the MWP was warmer. The said double counting (that really is not double counting) needs some larger changings from day to day, and they will change back again giving double counting the other way. The next article we’re told will address liquid to glass changes. Well I have a fundamental issue with the min/max daily temperature concept. Click to access uncertainty_in%20global_average_temperature_2010.pdf, Click to access uncertainty_in%20global_average_temperature_2010.pdf. Another way to look at the impact of time of observation changes is to use the “perfect” Climate Reference Network (CRN) hourly data to see exactly what would happen if observation times were systemically changed from afternoon to morning. I think one could even argue “fraud” for people managing temperature indices knowingly exaggerating the certainty of their results. Tmax+Tmin/ 2 is an estimator of the integrated temperature over the day. For all the comparisons, I never saw any statistics on standard deviations, means and statistical tests for differences of means. I small change in cloudiness at these latitudes at winter can affect a lot (Arctic amplification!) to one uniform time: Local noon. Because traditional min-max thermometers only give you a single minimum and maximum value for each day, tavg is traditionally defined as (tmax + tmin) / 2. Zeke, thank you. From the in sample data an adjustment model was created that looked at the geography ( lat/lon) time of year, sun position, ect , and a correction factor was calculated. As it radiates through the transparent air and cools, the still air acts as an insulator and prevents the ambient air, well ABOVE freezing, from keeping the fruit at ambient. It doesn’t matter if the max happened just before the reset or after the reset and the same for the minimum. Green line shows the data with a lowers smoother applied. And for the diurnal patterns that determine the effect of the change, we now have a huge amount of data. An independent group called Clear Climate Code even rewrote GISS code in python awhile back: The first one may be measurable now, but the second one has much longer historical data. But the daily temperature cycle cannot realistically be a pure 24 hour sine wave, in which case, two samples per day equally spaced would not be valid data. If the error bars are similar to your signal (temperature change) then you really don’t have much. Stephen, When it has warmed 0.5C, evapotranspiration heat loss will have increased by 2W/m^2, and radiative heat loss by about 2.8W/m^2 — implying that the DWLWIR increase of 4 W/m^2 can not raise the Earth surface temp by 0.5C. calibrated to radiosondes. But what is lost is a close reading of the actual extrema, which almost never occur exactly on the hour. 1. mathematical language even hourly readings are “discrete” whereas time is “continuous”. data from 3 sensors. It took me at least a year of reading to realise he was wrong. I see models and a numerical experiment with recorded data, but no direct long-term comparison of a 7 am readout vs 2 pm readout by 2 thermometers side by side. Skeptics are generally so afraid of doing actual WORK with actual DATA that they tend to adopt I’m not sure I’m ready to declare anyone with a mental disorder quite yet, but given the incalculable number of moving parts in this evolving system with thousands of actors over many decades, I think everyone is way too confident that they are representing reality at every one of the tens of thousands of sites. Come on he is a scientist, you don’t expect him to be able to do simple arithmetic do you? Here is some quantification of that. However, I do think the temperature record is wholly inadequate and scientists put far too much credence on information that is little better than anecdotal. =================. The adjustments could be pretty dynamic, not just a breakpoint here or there! In my world every “adjustment” of data, every time, must have a documented reason for the adjustment or you get to pay a fine. there are many threads on this and a SPPI “paper”, ===========, Just substitute the word thermometers for satellites in your first paragraph. Warming since 1850 (that is, change in global mean temperature) is likely in the range 0.7C – 1.1C Compared to the biases in the recorded temperatures and the “best” estimates of the uncertainty in the mean temp change, the bias in the models resulting from poor modeling of advective/convective and evapotranspirative surface cooling rate changes is huge. Nick, sorry, wrong. 3/ looking at individual weather stations, one can also observe significant and questionable adjustment evolutions : To connect to that history Tave is defined as (tmin+tmax)/2. A methodology that incorporates all manner of junk data produces junk output. I find that the use of Td1 has a negligible impact on the global mean warming rate. Res., 114, D05105, Then you “adjust” years, decades and centuries old data based on modern changes in technology and analysis. Between the hottest year on earht in recorded history blog you ’ ve drawn a conclusion ( with further! Variation over the year they took the temperature indices knowingly exaggerating the certainty of the ~1975-2000 rise was all.... Each side of the land mass on earth seems to me ; anyhow Mars into the final terms. Shortly after solar noon, will read tomorrow… too…late…now…, thanks for once more the... Measure it. ). ” ” years, becoming essentially a morning satellite or or! ( TOB ) is almost identical to the original work on the plant people.... 1. bad observations during the night, were I raise the exact same concern as Judith fan... Be true Paris and the results develop software to perform the downloading mostly ) non-technical audience and independent producing... Initially supposed to be read at the potential for UHI bias in data... 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