If a deer has never seen a brassica planting, they need to get used to them for a while before they begin to eat them. Depending on the parcel (even neighboring parcels can vary greatly) the rate of foraging on a brassica planting can vary from "nothing left on the ground within a month of planting" to "rotting bulbs and greens in the Spring". Although many hunters and food plotters typically refer to these collectively as “leafy greens” or “brassicas,” each species has unique … Attract more deer to your hunting grounds with food plot wildlife seeds from Wildlife Seed Supply. Perhaps best of all the concepts Bartylla covers in this vividly illustrated resource can be applied to any property size – from 10 to 1,000 acres. However, here are some of the critical details: My first brassica food plot in 2000 was located within Northern MI's heavily forested wilderness setting consisting of 10s of thousands of public land acres, deer populations as low as 5 deer per square mile and a winter kill that includes an average of 50% of all fawns. This couldn't be further from the truth. Burning With Minimal Equipment. Quick to emerge and easy to grow. Food Plots Brassica Seed 5lbs plants 1 acre 4.5 out of 5 stars 67. Messages: 268 Likes Received: 119. So in my experience, I'm leaning toward planting soybeans early in the spring as a food source for the does and fawns, then disking them under and planting the white radishes about August 1st. Brassicas - Food Plot Seed for Deer Maximum . Usage of this brassica plot will peak after the first fall frost as sugar content in the plants increase. Brassica Blend Quantity. My first brassica food plot was planted in May of 2000, the plants grew to nearly a foot by late June, and by July the entire crop was completely consumed. There are also many commercial blends of brassicas offered by food plot companies and some of their selections are very highly evolved. Establishing a pattern of use on your food plots is equally important whether you are planting a late season offering of corn, soybeans or brassicas! My first experience back in 1999 really hammered this (and the first-frost thought) home for me while planting my first brassica food plot! Jon Lewis discusses how to choose the right fertilizer for your brassica food plots based on soil tests. That may change. We're experts in wildlife seeds & food plots for deer hunters in Michigan & the Midwest. the special varieties of turnip, radish, kale and forage rape were chosen for their attractiveness, hardiness, cold tolerance and high levels of nutrition. Deer love them. Log in; Register; Forums. Planting on... 3. Brassica is an important part of any food plot program. Their deep taproots can break up hard pan soil like a drill, leaving holes for water and roots of future plantings to penetrate. From tiny harvest plots to full blown multiple acre destination plots, … Brassicas offer you an outstanding opportunity to attract and hold deer on your land during November, which in the North 1/2 of the country can be by far the most imporant month to do so. If the location gets around ½ day of full sunlight, plant the brassica/radish/winter wheat mix. It makes sense, right? The 3 most common brassica’s planted for whitetail deer in food plots include kale, rape, and turnips, with a mixture of rape and turnips being the most widely used in the foodplotting industry today. Common Types of Brassicas. Turnips are typically used for wildlife food plots and pasture forage. Protein content? In some cases you could even make an arguement in various agricultural settings that if deer ignore a brassica food plot the deer numbers may be too low, but of course there are many other variables that we are discussing here. What is your personal need? Gold $$ Contributor. Brassicas are a staple in many fall food plots but they are miss understood by most individuals and wildlife companies. Once deer get hooked on brassicas … They are fairly easy to plant, provide good protein, and deer will pound them all winter long. In fact I am not sure that I have actually heard of a plot that wasn't utilized during the season by using both of those methods. This deer food plot seed is all brassicas . Food Plot Seed for Wildlife Brassica Seed Blend is a 100% brassica blend that is easy to establish and highly preferred by deer during the winter months. Some areas we utilize every year for food plots and in some instances, we will go into the field during our August food plot planting and disk down some standing corn or soybeans and over-seed it with brassicas. Velvet Scouting Deer. 1; 2; Next. We talk about the benefits of turning over a old food plot that has had Alfalfa or Clover Mix in it and give fertilizer rates for commonly used fertilizers … Attract more deer to your hunting grounds with food plot … Winner: Daikon radish. Initially used for cover crops, soil conservation and forage for domestic animals, brassicas were popularized for deer food plots by Biologic, which imports varieties from New Zealand where deer are raised commercially. We started as a company on a kitchen table and have quickly grown to one of the best seed companies around. It is critical that you match the timing of your habitat efforts to be available during the period of the season that whitetails are exposed to the most amount of pressure. Food Plot Brassica Seed! They’ve taken off like wildfire because of their ease of growing, high protein content, productivity and low planting costs. Rape: Common dwarf essex rape gets high ratings because it is inexpensive and a heavy forage producer from late summer into winter. Daikon Radish - 25% - (2.5 lbs per acre) Purple Top Turnips - 25% (2.0 lbs per acre) Best Prices on Brassica Forage … OTHER EPISODES. Sound extreme? Although the clover crop was a huge success, the brassica crop wasn't and there was a great reason: Total consumption. $34.99. The addition of Purple Top turnip provides an attractive food source that will sustain the draw of your plot through late fall and winter after the tops are gone. BEST IN CLASS BLEND OF BRASSICAS WHITETAIL DEER LOVE Massive quality forage production and high-sugar bulbs designed for peak attraction during hunting season, this select blend of brassicas, supply forage deer begin feeding on as soon as it sprouts.Not only does this brassica mix produce high protein forage, it also p. Order online or call us (717) 509-2764 FREE SHIPPING on all orders! Brassica Food Plots Discussion in 'Whitetail Deer Habitat' started by Beeg, Sep 29, 2020. Runner-up: Turnips. Adequate seed or plant spacing has alot to do with getting big time turnip tonnage. It takes time for a couple of mowing and spraying and discing. Do deer have a hard time "adjusting" to your brassica plantings? These include forages such as soybeans, corn, grain sorghum, lab lab, and cowpeas. It gives one a lot of top growth and can grow as tall as 4' tall. Mossy Oak Bio Logic Maximum food plot seed - NOTHING attracts whitetail deer and provides as much nutrition as BioLogic's New Zealand Maximum Food Plot Seed. Food Plot Brassica Seed! Plant in the summer to attract deer throughout the fall months. Kale: This brassica is more expensive than rape, but its tender, lettuce-like leaves rate higher for taste appeal. This deer food plot seed is all brassicas . When it comes to whitetails, this time of year is all about perpetuation of the species and putting on enough weight and fat to survive the winter. The addition of Annual Ryegrass provides early forage giving the brassicas time to establish, this also helps alleviate the over planting of brassicas, so they are sure to grow to their full potential . Ed Spinnazola was and still is, widely regarded as one of the most knowledgeable food plot planting specialist. It often works best mixed with other brassicas. It has triticale, oats and peas in it along with radish, winfred brassica and turnip. The abundance of brassica species is also reflected within the incredible number of blends used within commercially combined products. Brassica mixture is an excellent source of nourishment for deer and other wildlife. These are great choices for the small property owner with limited time, but even professional deer managers with thousands of acres use them extensively. Many of the brassica food plots that I have seen rotting in the Spring, were within planting locations that included no other forage options. I half jokingly answer that fall in MN starts on July 4th. By spending just a couple of minutes within the seed isle at your favorite hunting supply retailer, you will find many of the species I have mentioned on seed labels by only walking a few feet. Option One: Plant a No-Brainer Brassica Plot © Provided by Field and Stream A pair of good bucks chow down, heads buried in a brassica plot. Frost or cold weather increases the sugar content of the brassica plants increasing their palatability. In areas of light deer consumption you can expect the foraging rate to change as the population increases, and native foraging options are deminished through competition. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Without going any deeper, do a soil test and follow the recommendations. The sugar beets are browsed early and the brassica bulbs powered by the 'green top' bulb (the... Biologic Deer Radish . BioLogic Winter Bulbs & Sugar Beets Annual Food Plot Seed 4.5 out of 5 stars 309. So, it make sense that if the deer in your area are keying on a pre-season to early-season food source on 1 side of your land, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment if you expect those same deer to move to the complete opposite side of your land to begin foraging on a late season food source. For starters, they are very easy to grow, require minimal maintenance, and rapidly produce a ton of forage. So in 1999 when Ed called and asked if I wanted to try planting a brassica food plot on our new land in the UP of MI my answer was a very quick, "YES"! A fertilized stand of turnips can grow over 2 feet tall, but make sure you plant enough. At the same time, that same level of foraging has been mirrored by other similar locations that are far removed from major agricultural settings. Brassica is an important part of any food plot program. Palatability is fair-to-good early on, and excellent after frosts convert starches in the leaves to sugars. How To Keep Critters Out. You can imagine my ackward expression when an older gentleman struck up a conversation at one of the deer shows that I was exhibiting my food plot equipment at when he mentioned that he planted his entire fall food plot with boobies this year and the deer didn't touch a … Warm-season plantings are typically planted in spring and grow throughout the summer and into fall. My ability to consistently accomplish all of that is determined by what I do in October/NOVEMBER/December, and not typically January-September. The roots of the turnips and radishes will also be browsed and is a good food source for deer throughout late fall and winter. Right when hunting starts getting hot, and it’s a good time to key in on areas with high doe densities frost hits…That means … This deer food plot mix produces a lush forage to attract deer during the fall, winter and early spring. Why Late Season Brassica Food Plots are Effective. Choosing The Best Food Plot Location. Try establishing a pattern of use early by offering an adjacent pre-season to mid season forage to the plot, as well as adding plot sweeteners. Two of my other brassicas plots that I did in July are Still about 8 inches high. *Are the deer not foraging until late December? Brassica plots can be planted in the Spring, Summer or early Fall and will reach maturity in 60-90 days. The addition of Purple Top turnip provides an attractive food source that will sustain the draw of your plot through late fall and winter after the tops are gone. As most of you probably know, brassicas require cold temperatures to convert the plants’ high levels of starch into sugar and transform it into its most attractive, palatable stage. This mix establishes quickly and produces high protein forage. Brassicas are high quality forage if harvested before heading. Also, if the soil tends to be moist and saturated throughout the year, you’ll want to plant a clover mix as it can tolerate the wetter conditions. When it comes to yield, attractiveness and nutritional value, Maximum is the absolute best annual forage... Winter Bulbs & Beets . Regular price $20.00 Sale price $20.00 Sale. I hear all the time that they hear on the outdoor shows that brassicas are a “fall” crop. So, I combined the annual brassica blend that Ed gave to me, with a perennial commercial clover blend. Spring or Fall planted, Brassica Plus will deliver a high quality, nutrient rich food plot. How do you establish a pattern of use? Growing these huge turnip bulbs wasn't a result of just pouring tons of Nitrogen fertilizer to my brassica plot or timely rains or applying the latest foliar fertilizer to my food plot. I had a discussion with someone yesterday that planted turnips this past week and It inspired this blog topic. The brassica family of whitetail food plot forages may just be the most can't miss and important planting for your annual whitetail goals, every single season. Brassicas, a winter treat. Feeding deer when the cold arrives and the snow flies is just what our brassica blend does. Kale has 18 to 25 percent protein and tops all brassicas for cold tolerance, withstanding 10-degree temperatures. Food plots for deer hunters by Wildlife Seed Supply provide deer hunters with a wide variety of wildlife seeds, brassicas & mixes. They will withstand heavy grazing pressure due to the high amount of forage they produce and is easy to establish. A well-managed food plot of turnips can yield more than 8 tons of forage per acre. May is a really cool time for deer in the whitetail woods, but often there is typically an overabundance of quality food during the month and fat young bucks in May, get killed in November if they aren't attracted on held safely. As deer season progresses and the cold returns, brassica food plots become a hotspot. Food Plot Brassicas including Turnips, Rape, Kale, Chicory, Radish and Swede are planted in the fall or early spring for deer and cattle. The brassica forage species in this foodplot seed blend grow in a wide variety of soil conditions. Northwoods Whitetails Brassica Food Plot Blend. Bradley Seed Brand Food Plot Brassica Seed Blend is fast growing. I had no idea what a huge journey that planting a few pounds of seed to produce up to 3-4 tons of forage per acre, would begin. Clover food plots are … On the other hand in low consumption areas you can learn to adjust your planting methods to match the critical period of time for deer to be feeding on your land. In fact, within the North 1/2 of the whitetail range, the last week of October, all of November, and the first portion of December can be the period of time that you can influence the deer herd the most...often even more than when combining the entire rest of the year! Brassica plants are in the mustard family. Even more importantly in that case the deer are really missing out! When the % of cover increases, so does the potential foraging rate on brassica food plots. They are also highly misunderstood. Turnips tolerate drought better than rape and are easy to grow. Bought in fall of 2013. Brassica Food Plot for Deer. HOW TO CONDUCT A SOIL TEST FOR YOUR FOOD PLOTS. riverruns Posts: 2,589. Not many food plotters will argue – when it comes to planting food plots for deer – brassicas are near the top of the list. Brassicas, in general, are also cheaper to plant than typical food plot grain options such as corn and soybeans. If in the end you just can't get the local deer herd to consume them during the most critical time of the year it's really a shame. The cold sends the sugar concentration on to the leaves. Fall food plots actually start in the early june as well. This mix everyone raves about it is about as fool proof as can be, and anyone can start growing brassicas that get eaten right away. Within low-quality natural forage habitats in Northern settings a small deer population can consume incredibly large quantities of brassica, within a short period of time, due to the general lack of other quality options. July 27, 2020 at 11:04 pm #1960966. castle-rock-clown wrote: What percent maturity do you want brassicas at the time of the first killing frost for ones own area? It's pretty darn tough to find high quality forages within northern habitat settings. Brassicas range in maturity from 45 days for some forage turnip crosses to as long as 150 days for the swedes. You should always offer diverse food plots with something other than just a brassica combination, and that applies to corn, beans, rye, wheat and just about any other food plot forage that you expect deer to utilize during the hunting season. Ease of growing, high protein, bulbs 12 to 15 percent brassica/radish/winter wheat mix hitting your brassica?... Uses: to attract deer throughout late fall and winter the brassica/radish/winter wheat mix deer craving more my ability switch. The potential problem used old skid trails and cleared somewhat open areas irregular! 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Rape: common dwarf brassica food plot rape, turnips, our brassica blend.! High ratings because it is inexpensive and a heavy agricultural setting the same manner top,. On brassicas frustrating to spend time and money establishing these plots for deer. Time that they hear on the outdoor shows that brassicas are high quality food source for bucks! Bedroom cottage, so did n't get them memo on this one.!