get on my nerves in a sentence

Whatever the situation, don't let your nerves get the better of you. If only she'd worked up the nerve to tell A'Ran about her suspicions about Ne'Rin! to get on somebody's nerves. There may be reorganization of the nerves in an area of the brain called the cerebral cortex. tingleother is an effect on the nerves which can cause constipation and numbness and tingling in the fingers and toes. "His whining is getting on my nerves." (soothe, settle, steady, calm) to annoy or bother someone. , With nerves of steel, the brave soldier was never afraid when marking into battle. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Nothing personal, but your voice is really getting on my nerves. If left untreated, it results in progressive vascular disease that may damage the blood vessels, nerves, kidneys, heart, and other organs. For instance, weakness may accompany damage to nerves that carry both sensory and motor neurons. Dermis-The basal layer of skin; it contains blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves, glands, and hair follicles. I get easily bored playing with a toddler, and my nerves get run ragged responding to children’s requests all day. His last years, after the sale of "Les Paillers," were passed in a ceaseless wandering, the result of the agitation of his nerves. To be honest, you get on my nerves. Are your nerves so bad that you are shaking? PFN offer " Sarajevo ", a more passive, calming mood piece which soothes the nerves. These medications work by preventing nerves from signaling the muscles to contract, thereby preventing muscle contractions. He was also regarded as an authority in diseases of the nerves and brain. Everyone is gibberin These arguments, including what nerves and brains are like, show strongly why it is, why it is so disadvantageous. Several branchial motor nerves are also given off as the mandibular nerve enters the infratemporal fossa. Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning (an EYE-OPENER) to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover? Or perchance, at evening, I hear him in his stable blowing off the superfluous energy of the day, that he may calm his nerves and cool his liver and brain for a few hours of iron slumber. m In all larval forms, in the Caudata, and in a few of the Ecaudata (Xenopus, for instance), the epidermis becomes modified in relation with the termination of sensory nerves, and gives rise to organs of the same nature as those of the lateral line of fishes. So leave your emotions at the door, and get your job done. As regards their innervation an apparent exception is found in the case of A pus, where the nerves to the antennules arise, behind the brain, from the oesophageal commissures, but this is, no doubt, a secondary condition, and the nerve-fibres have been traced forwards to centres within the brain. Augmentative procedures include electrical stimulation or direct application of drugs to the nerves that are transmitting the pain signals. Without these nerves, the affected segment of the colon lacks the ability to relax and move bowel contents along. How to use getting on my nerves in a sentence. 138) imagined it merely "to contain an infinity of nerves, disposed like net-work, all of which lead immediately to the nostrils," and add to the olfactory faculty. The lophophore is supplied by yet a third nerve, the under arm-nerve, which is less clearly defined than the others, and resembles a moderate aggregation of the nerve fibrils, which seem everywhere to underlie the ectoderm, and which in a few cases are gathered up into nerves. • I hope Emma isn't going to be there - she really gets on my nerves. ), is in Snipes carried to an extreme by a number of filaments, belonging to the fifth pair of nerves, which run almost to the tip and open immediately under the soft cuticle in a series of cells that give this portion of the surface of the premaxillaries, when exposed, a honeycomb-like appearance. "get on one’s nerves" means. (lost) " He lacks the nerve to say something in public. This is the British English definition of get on.View American English definition of get on.. Change your default dictionary to American English. The crackling fires, screaming skeletons and the lovely sound of gold hitting the ground help make the effects in Untold Legends very pleasing to the ears, but the music will start to grind your nerves after awhile. 1. The following idioms and expressions use the verb 'get'. Start Slideshow. to hold him under oath by this act. I've been a bundle of nerves since Edith Shipton first showed up on our doorstep. get on my nerves in a sentence - Use "get on my nerves" in a sentence 1. 61. Definition and synonyms of get on from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Tom's been really defiant ever since he started daycare, and it's starting to get on my nerves. Haller's definition of irritability as a property of muscular tissue, and its distinction from sensibility as a property of nerves, struck at the root of the prevailing hypothesis respecting animal activity. Breathing will become difficult as nerves become unresponsive and the jaw may hang slack. "It's all right," he answered, his nerves tingling. She breathed deeply several times, nerves and instincts unsettled. It means that something is very annoying and is driving me mad. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Rumors of star midfielder Cristiano Ronaldo's imminent departure are jangling the nerves of the Old Trafford faithful. The drugs increase the number of transporters, chemicals that remove glutamate from nerves. Here are some ways to use it in sentences. His knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology was necessarily defective, the respect in which the dead body was held by the Greeks precluding him from practising dissection; thus we find him writing of the tissues without distinguishing between the various textures of the body, confusing arteries, veins and nerves, and speaking vaguely of the muscles as " flesh.". , The uneasy runner’s nerves overtook him and he fretted about his time as he rounded the bend. nerve definition: 1. a group of long, thin fibres (= structures like threads) that carry information or instructions…. I find her so annoying! You start to drink more alcohol to help calm your nerves. From the bite or other area of penetration, the virus multiplies as it spreads along nerves that travel away from the spinal cord and brain (efferent nerves) and into the salivary glands. Also, casts are sometimes used to allow the nerves to heal. As a result, the muscles connected to these nerves eventually weaken. Ordinarily, however, it is due to some peripheral irritation which is conducted by sensory nerves to the spinal cord and thence up to the sensory centre in the brain. It was a trying conversation—obvious this bundle of nerves had little experience talking to strangers. A growing tumor may press on nearby nerves, organs, and blood vessels, causing pain and pressure that may be the first warning signs of cancer. I've trapped a nerve in my spine. 2. It isn’t complicated. grateever this Oliver sampling follow up is a step too far and ends up grating on the nerves. Locally applied they depress the terminations of sensory nerves, and may thereby lessen pain. These sayings come from alternate meanings for the word. We may mention the sensitiveness of the bill, which, though to some extent noticeable in many Sandpipers (q.v. There are two pairs of specialized cerebral nerves innervating the praeoral lobe, and provided with peripheral ganglia placed near the termination of the smaller branches. Total plexus palsy-Erb/Klumpke palsy; a condition resulting from injury involving all of the brachial plexus nerves and affecting the entire upper extremity of the body. The sound of that baby screaming is getting on my nerves. Specialized testing of the nerves, called nerve conduction testing (NCV), can be performed to determine if CMT1 or CMT2 is present. Large doses also depress the nervous system, weakening the anterior horns of grey matter in the spinal cord so as ultimately to cause complete paralysis, and also causing a partial insensibility of the cutaneous nerves of touch and pain. It supplies the proboscis with nerves and gives off behind two stout trunks which supply the body (fig. bulbar polio involved the brain stem where the centers for the cranial nerves are located. For example, substance P relays the pain message to nerves leading to the spinal cord and brain. Get on someone's nerves definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. • They really get on my nerves. b, Nerves to inferior cephalic tentacles. The nerves running to the dorsal parts are white, with black edges; those running to the ventral parts are solid black. intercostal nerves are blocked the patient may state that they can't take a deep breath. In adults, less common effects of Lyme disease are heart abnormalities (such as irregular rhythm or cardiac block) and eye abnormalities (such as swelling of the cornea, tissue, or eye muscles and nerves). Excessive sweating in the affected area is caused by overactivity of the nerves linked to the sweat glands. The one fact which the Lamarckians can produce in their favour is the account of experiments by Brown-Sequard, in which he produced epilepsy in guinea-pigs by section of the large nerves or spinal cord, and in the course of which he was led to believe that in a few rare instances the artificially produced epilepsy and mutilation of the nerves was transmitted. Fingertips contain many nerves and are extremely sensitive. Look it up now! Adrienne felt the rage tearing at her lungs, plucking at her nerves until she wanted to twist Julie's neck off. He'd have all he could do to keep his own screaming nerves in line. Myelin-A fatty sheath surrounding nerves throughout the body that helps them conduct impulses more quickly. the median pallial nerve to the middle of the dorsal mantle; (ii.) It's my nerves could be used in many different situations, including to indicate that something was annoying. This imbalance can prevent the muscles and nerves from responding and recovering normally and can lead to cramping. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. Involvement of specific nerves of the face and head may also cause characteristic headaches. myelin sheath a layer of fatty protein that protects the nerves. h, Epidermic cell-layer; mes, mesoblastic connective tissue; n, nerves; II, III, IV, V, depressions of the epidermis in each of which a cuticular lens will be formed. At least four of its constituents act directly on the muscular fibre of the uterus, whilst the cornutine acts through the nerves. A large network of nerves control the normal rhythmic contractions of the colon. The nerves pass beneath Berry's ligament (a thickened area of fascia next to the trachea) and enter the larynx. Explain the significance of this sentence: "My nerves were in a state of constant tension, my face took on a stiff, noncommittal expression, beginning to look like Brother Jack's and the other leaders", Chapter 19 © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. Constant stress has made our nerves brittle: 8. It is named for Sir Charles Bell, a Scottish surgeon who, over two hundred years ago, did much of the earliest research regarding the anatomy and pathology of the cranial nerves.
get on my nerves in a sentence 2021