dangers of meeting someone from the internet essay
Let your kids and school going children know something about internet like its advantages and disadvantages. Company Registration No: 4964706. Today we buy and sell so many things via Craigslist, Facebook, and other social networking markets that require some type of face-to-face meeting. Social networking is undisputedly one of the easiest way to keep in touch with family and friends as well as a channel in meeting new people with similar interests. 500+ Words Essay on Social Media. The IELTS test usually focuses on topical issues. Internet Danger #3: Pornography. However facebook has announced that they have blocked the fbaction.net links from facebook website and messages that links to fbaction.net. J. The Internet is easy to access from home or work. (2000) Cyber Affairs. Griffiths, M.D. The internet can be a great resource for children and teens, but it is very important to make sure they know the dangers of the web. Child grooming is an act where a paedophile will befriend a child, or form an intimate relationship in order to lower a child’s sexual inhibitions. However, this danger could be prevented if children not only educated about what they should post on the profile and how they should post restricted material but also protected. You have to exercise caution while interacting with people on the internet so as to not have a bad experience. There are many problems and dangers in using social networks however in contrasts there are considerable benefits of using social networks. Indeed, people without friends are more likely to die younger. Use tools to manage the information you share with friends in different groups or even have multiple online pages. Internet is a very useful medium for current updates and all kind of information are nowadays surfed through the internet. It’s always good to refresh yourself on these safe ways to meet up with an internet stranger when buying or selling things. It is becoming quite affordable and has always offered anonymity. And this is without the likes of TV ads, magazine ads, and adverts on the radio. . Get Help With Your Essay Education in schools should include education about how to stay safe online; just as children are taught that eating fruit and vegetables are healthy, they should also be taught that excessive online activities can lead to addiction, with various negative consequences. Also they may be unaware that their child has access to them or worse still is addicted to them. This is because they have limited options of just to make the profile private (only friends can view it ) or public ( every one can view)……….. Social networking has also provided a new way for phishing and scamming to fraudsters. However, the technology by itself is neither good nor bad; it is the way the technology is put to use that creates positive and negative consequences for human beings. The key to meeting an online friend offline, is to do a little research on them before meeting up. Warning signs of a psychologically deranged individual may be someone you cue into quickly; they may write incoherent or threatening messages to you or others, or they may admit to a violent past. Because all communication on the Internet is vulnerable to unauthorised access, this means that it is relatively easy to commit fraud. The internet is a major promoter of violence and bad habits, it allows abusers to reach people that do not want to be reached and it opens many of us up to identity theft and malware viruses. You only get to see the side of them which they choose to show. Commom sites such as facebook, MySpace, hi5, Bebo and YouTube have millions of visitors daily. In the end, it can be said that virtual world is perhaps just as dangerous as the physical world. Millions of teenagers and adults exchange and share their personal interests and personal information such as photos, videos etc, therefore one can learn almost anything about someone or stranger (If the profile page is open to anyone) who they maynot have met before, from their birthday to who their friends are and other personal information such as relationship status. There is no doubt that internet has made our life become easier and more convenient. One can make connect with people not presently in conact, for example staff in an organisation, students or alumni. This number is obviously growing, but this example shows that online communication is becoming a much widely used method of communication. There is a strong sense of being able to express ones own creativity. Below we are providing some short and long essay on Internet in English. The internet has become a place men use to seek women, teenagers and children, to take advantage of. Our new study found that online daters are now researching the people that they meet on dating sites. People should be made aware of the dangers lurking in the Internet, and be given the education and means to take steps to stay safe online. People lie on their online dating profiles. Being safe on the internet is very important, and can prevent problems. Looking for a flexible role? Seemingly innocent group messages or a social media post can serve as a stepping stone for a predator, allowing them to find a child’s current or future location , find home addresses or other useful information. One of the worst dangers of the Internet, for many parents, is the idea that pornography could pop up and surprise their children. However many people now question social networks, the popularity of these sites has raised both security and privacy issues of its users. Technology Aside from the issue of lying, lies a worse scenario. You can communicate with anyone, anytime. Even if a user is cautious about protecting their privacy it is very difficult for them to absolutely control who can view what on their profile pages. There are many problems and dangers in using social networks however in contrasts there are considerable benefits of using social networks. However despite all the positives of social networking the negatives overshadow the positives. At the time, though, I think her crazy made a little more sense. 66% of online daters have seen at least one fake dating profile online; The increasing danger of online scammers; Dangerous online predators First, the unique dangers posed by the Internet are outlined. The Dangers of Online Dating . You do, however, need to be cautious. Some case study evidence International Conference: 25-27 March 1998, Bristol, UK, IRISS ’98: Conference Papers (Available online at http://www.intute.ac.uk/socialsciences/archive/iriss/papers/paper47.htm – last accessed Aug 2007). Figures from fishtank.com [11] show that FaceBook is the 7th most targeted website of phishing scams in 2009, this figure might have increased in 2010. It follows therefore, that what people do and want to do in the real world, they would try to do in the virtual world too. Internet has increased communication very fast. The internet has many benefits. (2000) Trust and Risk in Internet Commerce Publication: Cambridge, Mass MIT Press. Research conducted by the Cyberspace Research Unit at the University of Central Lancashire states “another of the frequent topics concerned on-line grooming and in particular, ways in which to avoid detection” (O’Connell, 2003). For some people it offers an emotional and mental escape from real life, and this is especially true for individuals who are shy or feel trapped in unhappy relationships. Available at: http://www.bullying.co.ukpupils/internet_safety.php (last accessed Aug 2007), Griffiths, M.D. Social networking is here to saty because, Are there but its have they are controlled/stopped/, Have to have a deeper understanding of what danger is, its impact on us today and toimarrow.. learn from mistakes and continuously work together to protect people and educate them, [10]http://eval.symantec.com/mktginfo/enterprise/other_resources/b- state_of_spam_and_phishing_report_02-2010.en-us.pdf, [11] http://www.phishtank.com/stats/2009/03/, [12] http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/apr/30/facebook-phishing-scam, http://www.yourteenager.co.uk/facebook-your-teen.html, http://life.familyeducation.com/teen/internet-safety/57657.html?page=2, [15]http://articles.sfgate.com/2009-08-10/news/17175229_1_social-networking-sites-social-networking-teens. Recently, I hung out with Mike Perron of PerronBrothers.com. The rate at which the online gambling industry is commercialised today is astronomical. There is no way to know whether or not the person who you are talking to really is who they say they are." It helps in drawing their mind towards study a lot. For Instance, there are stalkers, predators, rapists, and identity theft. Where legislation is not a deterrent, technology is almost none. VAT Registration No: 842417633. These sites were phishing scams which looked as if they are Geneon sites, but were used to steel login details of facebook users. Argumentative Essay: Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Internet Essay topic: Argumentative Essay: Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Internet Nowadays, the Internet is growing rapidly. Meeting someone through the internet can be an exciting adventure, but takes alot of time and patience if done correctly. Continued. Perhaps the only upper hand the virtual world has is that its inhabitants are immune to the immediate threat of physical violence; one cannot be randomly mugged online. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and dangers of the internet. Meeting people through the agency of these dating sites is no more or less dangerous than meeting them any other way. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. Whether it is the Internet, the World Wide Web (WWW), or other less well-known networks, people around the world depend on it for multifarious reasons from work and entertainment to essentials of life such as life support in medicine. Presenting oneself publicly as wishing to … Interactive Data Corporation (2001) Email mailboxes to increase to 1.2 billion worldwide by 2005 CNN.com (Available online at http://archives.cnn.com/2001/TECH/internet/09/19/email.usage.idg/ – last accessed Aug 2007). An adult can become aware enough and handle all ofl the dangers of posting personal information on a social networking site but it might not be obvious to children, since they simply are not mature nor have developed enough,in mind, to comprehend the complexity of social networking. No doubt, the Internet can be an extremely useful tool for young people. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and dangers of the internet. This means that the majority of people in society now see online gambling as more acceptable than in recent years. It is clear that there is evidence suggesting that social networking is very dangerous indeed, but it is very difficult to ignore social;l trends locally and on a global scale. Can you be certain that they are being honest with you? Camp, L. This could either mean advertise an upcoming “event” or any other form of business advertising. It was 1994: the internet was new and scary. Dangers of online dating. Social networks are a hub for paedophiles and perverts. First, the unique dangers posed by the Internet are outlined. There are many facilities on the internet helps us to communicate each other such as E-mail, Facebook, Twitter and others. Social media is a tool that is becoming quite popular these days because of its user-friendly features. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! People who are socially active are less stressed and depressed – they also tend to feel better about their lives and who they are. Thus, social networking has made it very easy to make new friends or even meet old friends, which is a major benefit of social networking. A person can enter a chatroom, use an alias, and can talk to other members without revealing their true identity. This is followed by an examination of some of the major threats to safety that are present in the physical world but not in the virtual world. 5th Jul 2018 There is also a vast array of technology that can help keep adults and children safe online, from parental control software that can restrict the websites viewed by children, to anti-virus and cryptography software and firewalls that help prevent hacking and viruses and keep data safe. These Internet Essays have been written covering all the useful information on internet. However, many people become victims after accessing the internet. Online relationships are similar in many ways to pen pal relationships. Over the years the trend of online dating has increased dramatically. OK, this is hardly an earth-shattering revelation. It is commonly accepted that the Internet provides us with opportunities that have been hitherto unavailable. Viruses are small programs that "infect" computers. As important as it is to hear that your child can find themselves in trouble online, if you do not know what internet safety steps can help to protect them, you may be looking for more information. Internet dating sites contain a variety of people, and some of those individuals are predators looking for unsuspecting victims. Reference this. However, vulnerable people are still susceptible to physical violence and harm, perhaps more to self-harm; there are many websites that promote anorexia, suicide and self-harm, and this can leave a big impact on impressionable minds. Phishing is what cyber security professionals call the use of emails that try to trick people … Internet dating sites contain a variety of people, and some of those individuals are predators looking for unsuspecting victims. It also gives them the chance to express themselves. It is estimated that by 2020, one billion people will be on Facebook. Exposing Pictures: The individual you are talking to might convince you to send some pictures of … Creative artists such musicians, actors etc often use social networking to expand their fan base by using their profile in effect to advertise themselves. *You can also browse our support articles here >. Just as children are taught not to speak to strangers in the real world, they should be taught not to speak to strangers online as well. This however causes concerns about why people are choosing to use the Internet for this reason. Because some kids and teens don’t fully understand the dangers of talking to strangers online, they may engage in this behavior. Can we live without a system that has breeded into our society so rapidly and deeply that it has an impoact on our day to day habits, even sleep is effected. In the early days of the internet, it was common advice to never meet someone in person that you'd only met online. (2000) The Complete Guide to Internet Security New York AMACOM Books, Mitchell, P. (2000) Internet addiction: genuine diagnosis or not? Money on the Internet is simply a different abstraction of wealth, and has similar issues with trust and risk as traditional money, together with the additional dangers posed by the virtual nature of the environment. Modern society depends on the technology of networked computing more than ever. Internet Friends. Just like many broke out into the western frontier of the United States in search of new lives and opportunities, many people bored with their real lives strike out on the internet. Many sing the praises of this so-called information superhighway; however, it is prudent not to be lulled into a false sense of security by the promising opportunities. Two of the many crucial things to take note of on the web are chat rooms and keeping your privacy. Being safe on the internet is very important, and can prevent problems. It is very easy to connect with someone online and the appeal of meeting potentially hundreds of singles is impossible to ignore. One can add there details of hobbies and interests which might envoke other users to remain contact with similar interests and create “social network” between them. This process has three steps that need careful thought before you even place your ad, which I will guide you through. Now, within the business world, social networking sites can also provide easy opportunity for anyone to advertise. To them, all the social sites seem innocent. Also, the danger of the Internet urges you to be much more careful when trusting someone, so that's something to care about. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.co.uk. Most of the social networking sites have privacy tools which are not flexible enough to protect users data. This site might have no functionality apart from redirecting the user back to the original social networking site after the user has entered his/her login detail. 4. Internet Essay for IELTS on the topic of the Internet and social interaction. 20, No. The potential dangers of online dating have come into sharp focus following the case of Jason Lawrence, who raped five women and attacked two more after meeting them on Match.com. One should use it as per their need. Smith, J. and Machin, A.M. (2004) Youth Culture and New Technologies. This essay presents a critical debate on whether the Internet is as dangerous as the physical world. Same respect parents should consider banning these sites within their networks contrasts there many. Without revealing your true identity can you really trust the person you are dangers of meeting someone from the internet essay to strangers online and... 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