DIAGNOSTIC SIGNS However, until validated protocols are identified, assessing CAS remains a cautious exercise, where the clinician must assess broadly and in detail, and usually over time. However, the children with CAS responded quite differently, showing a typical MMN in response to the allophonic contrast only. Clearly, when goal setting and writing IEPs for children with phonological disorder and/or CAS these 14 goals cannot be expressed in the same way articulation goals usually are, using ‘mastery’ criteria and percentages. Formal testing may not be possible for some children (too difficult). (2004), and from my own experience as a clinician and researcher, practical strategies to make keeping up with the literature less challenging and more enjoyable for the clinician include: Specifically, coarticulation and feature spreading – which are interactions at phonetic boundaries – become compromised or impossible if individual segments are fully specified at the level of phonological representation. Marked inconsistency (especially token-to-token variability) However, guidance for assessment, based on theoretical and research findings, was presented. Among the issues and concerns that arise in parent and family counselling, and in counselling ‘older’ children and youth with persisting SSD, are the potential long-term consequences of these conditions. ˈvəɹakˌʒout That is as there is no set of validated criteria, one cannot diagnose (or rule out) CAS on the presence (or absence) of these features alone. Gierut (1998) provides a concise summary of likely repercussions, indicating that some individuals can expect lifetime challenges in terms of their retrieval, manipulation and comprehension of linguistic information; their expressive language capabilities; and their education and work choices. She is the director of the Neurophysiology in Speech Language Pathology Lab, where she conducts research into the neural correlates of linguistic processing and representation in specific sociolinguistic situations, such as Arabic diglossia, and functional changes related to SLP treatment and language learning. Such evidence suggests that MMN can be used as an index of the activation of language-specific phonological memory traces. By bringing together insights from these various fields, we were able to develop and test a hypothesis concerning a specific neural signature of phonological processing in CAS. Compounding this problem, when lay people turn to the Internet for elucidation, they find a disproportionately high number of websites dealing with CAS, the less frequent speech sound disorder, and these may contain inaccurate information. Johnny’s Functional Goals Long-Term Goal Johnny will improve his skills in phonological awareness and grammar (i.e., word forms and sentence structure) and his willingness and ability to engage socially with peers. the use of simple, but not complex, syllable and word shapes. Typically developing infants are able to respond to native and non-native speech sounds, words and grammatical structures (Kuhl, Conboy, Padden, Nelson & Pruitt, 2005). The worksheet is intended to help the investigator confirm or reject CAS as a diagnosis, bearing in mind that any determination of oral apraxia would have been made during the structural–functional examination (Skinder-Meredith, A43). Typically developing infants are able to respond to native and non-native speech sounds, words and grammatical structures (Kuhl, Conboy, Padden, Nelson & Pruitt, 2005). Stimulability Phonotactic inventory expansion. They have been getting up though the school and I can now understand them so much better. Use motor speech examination; DEAP, NDP-3 (Williams & Stephens, 2004); or make informal observations of ‘long words’ of >2 syllables (e.g., Debbie’s clinically useful words in, Word stress errors; syllable stress errors. The ASHA CAS Technical Report (2007a) and position statement (2007b), as well as the RCSLT (2011) policy statement on DVD are examples of readily available resources that synthesise the literature. Table 6.3 Motor Speech Examination Worksheet Generalisation of new consonants and vowels, syllable structures, and word structures, to more challenging contexts. Cognitionsee point 4 below Psychometric/Paediatric report. We propose, pending further investigation, that speech sound disorders as a broad category involve differential degrees of impairment to a complex network that regulates interactions between phonological representations, their phonetic instantiations, and the motor realisations of speech sounds. The prevailing view in the United States is that CAS is primarily a motor planning impairment affecting voluntary movement sequences for speech (ASHA, 2007a). Jan 18, 2015 - Articulation - Phonological Processes GOAL BANK Before I explain phonological disorders, we need to clear up the confusion between phonological disorders and articulation disorders. blackout Against this background, we found it difficult to ignore the notion that CAS might in fact involve a representational component. For our experiment, we selected pairs of speech sounds that are phonemically and allophonically distinct in English phonology (/pa/ vs. /ba/, and /pa/ vs. /pʰa/). Indeed, when surveyed, most clinicians report placing a high value on the importance of research, and desire to keep up to date with the evidence-base underpinning practice (Stephens & Upton, 2012; Vallino-Napoli & Reilly, 2004). a ‘Parents will often say that their child ‘understands everything’ or is ‘very bright’ and many can give excellent examples of why they see their child this way, but it is essential to test receptive skills. Test: Stimulability testing to 2 syllable positions. inappropriate prosody, especially in the realisation of lexical or phrasal stress. This is particularly the case for younger or less verbal children who are not yet able to take part in detailed speech assessments that sample speech production abilities across contexts (Davis & Velleman, 2000, but see Strand, McCauley, Weigand, Stoeckel & Baas, 2013). Persisting phonological processes Static speech sound system She is the director of the Neurophysiology in Speech Language Pathology Lab, where she conducts research into the neural correlates of linguistic processing and representation in specific sociolinguistic situations, such as Arabic diglossia, and functional changes related to SLP treatment and language learning. Today I asked my colleagues, Jacqueline Whitney, to share her POV on phonological disorders. inconsistent errors on consonants and vowels in repeated productions of syllables or words, This may indicate there is something going on with their entire language system. Theories? But we still at times can’t understand them.. SODA, process errors, and segmental complexity errors increase as contexts become more difficult, reducing intelligibility. The RCSLT policy statement on DVD (2011) also supported the existence of the symptom complex of CAS (using the terminology DVD; see the policy statement for a discussion). Can you suggest strategies that clinicians might employ to make the task of keeping abreast with the published evidence base less challenging and more enjoyable; suggest what readers of the Technical Report might gain from it in a practical, clinical sense; and indicate the key areas for further CAS and other child speech research that it points to? This process, our preliminary findings (Froud & Khamis-Dakwar, 2012), and some implications for our understanding of CAS and other speech sound disorders, are described here. Our prediction was that children without CAS would show MMN responses to the phonemically distinct pairs of speech sounds, but not to the allophonic contrast; whereas children with CAS, in the event that CAS is associated with a representational deficit like that proposed by Dogil and Mayer (1998), should show abnormalities in MMN. Persistent personality? Such work should be considered a prerequisite to the development of finely tuned and efficacious therapeutic protocols that can be used to attenuate the impact of speech sound disorders on social participation and educational attainment in affected children. This skill is assessed by asking students to remember strings of numbers or to repeat nonsense words of increasing length and complexity. Interestingly, a positive-going MisMatch component has been reported previously in infants, and has been taken to indicate an immature or underdeveloped response to phonemic speech sound contrasts (Dehaene-Lambertz & Dehaene, 1994; Friederici, 2002; Leppänen, Pihko, Eklund & Lyytinen, 1999; Pihko et al., 1999;Rivera-Gaxiola, Silva-Pereyra & Kuhl, 2005; Weber, Hahne, Friedrich & Friederici, 2004). One way to evaluate this hypothesis is to examine the neural mechanisms associated with speech sound perception and processing in CAS. Based on the reviewed research and consensus opinion, the following three segmental and suprasegmental core characteristics were proposed (ASHA, 2007b, p. 2) and also included in the 2011 RCSLT position statement In response to the phonemic condition, children with CAS showed a positive ERP response, rather than the negative-going electrical potential that was expected. Chantelle Highman: Keeping up to date with the literature Table 6.2 provides ‘assessment prompt’ notes, developed over many years, that clinicians can use, and potentially modify, for case history-taking when they suspect that a child has CAS. There is only one study so far that reports EEG data recorded from children with CAS (Rosenbek & Wertz, 1972), which the authors, using the terminology of the day, called developmental apraxia of speech (DAS). Sensory functionInvoluntary movements(if yes, query dysarthria)Physiotherapist or OT reports? Despite recognising the lack of a validated set of differentially diagnostic criteria that reliably distinguish CAS from other speech sound disorders, the committee did report on features likely to be diagnostic. Specifically, coarticulation effects were shown to be disturbed in the speech production of adults with a diagnosis of AOS (Mayer, 1995; Dogil & Mayer, 1998), with the typical ratio of speech transitions (i.e., the time spent transitioning from one speech sound to another) being greatly reduced. A positive effect of the growth of Apraxia-KIDS and CASANA has been increased accuracy of information about speech development and disorders circulating on the Web, and with it enhanced communication concerning CAS between consumers and professionals. Look for phonological processes/patterns that ‘should have been’ eliminated. Test: Contrastive Assessment; Phoneme Collapses. In considering whether CAS might in fact involve a representational component, we had recourse to literature from several distinct (though related) disciplines: foundational understanding of typical phonological development and representation; the neuroscientific literature on phonological processing, specifically the mismatch negativity (MMN) component; and previous studies that had examined acoustic parameters in acquired apraxia of speech (AOS) in adults. These changes to the available feature values of speech-sound representations are necessary for rapid, automatic and efficient processing (Dinnsen, 1996). We recorded continuous EEG from children with and without CAS while they listened to sequences of these speech sounds, and interrogated the recordings offline for evidence of MMN responses. Only gold members can continue reading. I can’t believe the school season is almost here already, and has probably already started for some of you! 6. Use of simple syllable shapes Her co-author in A42 is Dr. Reem Khamis-Dakwar. Vowel and/or diphthong errors PA/Literacy Ask parents; formal tests. Caroline Bowen PhD CPSP . DEAP Inconsistency Assessment (Dodd et al., 2002) uses single words, also observe CS. What are its core characteristics? Based on the reviewed research and consensus opinion, the following three segmental and suprasegmental core characteristics were proposed (ASHA, 2007b, p. 2) and also included in the 2011 RCSLT position statement. It is commonly stated that children diagnosed with primary CAS often present with speech output difficulties that have a phonological basis as well as their speech difficulties that have a motoric basis. Neurophysiological methods with high temporal precision, such as EEG, can capitalise on the very fine temporal distinctions between different domains of language processing (Osterhout, 2000), and the ERP method has been successfully used to isolate specific neural responses implicated in distinct linguistic processes, including syntax, semantics and phonology (Rugg & Coles, 1995; see Friederici, 2000 for an overview). Gait 2001). Assessment should involve sampling speech and language skills across a range of task difficulties, and considering detailed case history information. Reading across Row 1, we see that the first characteristic is consonant and vowel inventory constraints, or in other words, missing vowels and consonants. More complete vowel repertoire. Cross-cultural features and presentations Story time? The MMN is a fronto-central ERP component that can be elicited by the presence of a ‘deviant’ sound in a sequence of repetitive auditory stimuli (referred to as an ‘oddball paradigm’– see Dehaene-Lambertz & Gliga, 2004, for a review). Note that there is overlap between the 10 sections. Typical maximum word length The clinician then has to determine how best to address these goals given the child’s overall presenting picture. Sounds come and go. the use of simple, but not complex, syllable and word shapes. The CAS Technical Report does not incorporate definitive assessment guidelines or a single diagnostic test for CAS, due to the lack of evidence supporting such specific recommendations (Caspari, 2007). The literature corroborates the many practical issues faced by clinicians when they attempt to implement Evidence-based practice (EBP). Chapter 6 addresses a range of practical issues in the dynamic assessment, and differential diagnosis of children with moderate and severe SSD, including childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) or suspected CAS, sometimes abbreviated as sCAS. CrossRef View Record in Scopus Google Scholar. In particular, EEG studies that examine fluctuations in the electrical fields generated by brain activity have proved useful in advancing understanding of the very rapid processes involved in speech and language. Phonological awareness difficulties – school-aged children If your student uses an excessive amount of phonological processes this can be an indication of a phonological disorder because when multiple phonological processes are exhibited together it causes the child’s intelligibility to decrease. Then follows a guide to the general observations an SLP/SLT might make during differential diagnosis. Phonological awareness refers to a set of skills that children typically develop in the preschool years as pre-reading skills. Use PA Tests, e.g., SPAT-R (Neilson, 2003). single [speech] postures versus sequences of postures. Such evidence suggests that MMN can be used as an index of the activation of language-specific phonological memory traces. In particular, the integral stimulation (Strand & Debertine, 2000), and Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC, Strand, Stoeckel & Baas, 2006) approaches that incorporate principles of motor learning (McCabe & Ballard, A47; Strand, A45). If they feel it may facilitate communication, information sharing and insight building, the clinician may wish to provide parents with the prompt, without the footnotes, prior to, or at the beginning of the case history and assessment process. Phonology-Goals.docx - Long Term Phonology Goal Pt will remediate phonological processes to fewer than 20 of occurrences in conversation with fading, 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful, Pt will remediate phonological processes to fewer than 20% of occurrences in, conversation with fading cues within 6 months as assessed by a. b Consider offering one piece of advice in the initial visit. However, a number of directly relevant and clinically applicable recommendations were presented in the reports. (1) Impaired volitional oral movements(2) Reduced expressive compared to receptive language skills (receptive–expressive gap)(3) Reduced diadochokinetic ratesSpeech characteristics (Davis et al., 1998) For some clinicians, this has enabled a ‘more equal’ relationship with clients and a sharper appreciation of the effects of communication disorders on affected individuals and their families, perhaps with the added benefit of improving their skills both as counsellors, and of knowing when to refer to a professional counsellor (Bitter, A15; Overby & Bernthal, A16; Stoeckel, A40). Velleman (2005) wrote: ‘CAS is different from “regular” phonological disorders, but there are still patterns to be found and treated. Variability without gradual improvement A recurring theme in discussion with clinical SLPs/SLTs is that, although they would like to, they rarely read the literature for a range of reasons that include lack of time and limited access to journals and other publications (like professional association reports and position statements). Practical, clinical applications of the technical report and position statement Clinical experience suggests that they often do this without realising that those same symptoms are. However, the report provided guidance on treatment approaches and supporting efficacy data, where available, including discussions on intensity of intervention and funding issues. The literature corroborates the many practical issues faced by clinicians when they attempt to implement Evidence-based practice (EBP). Test: Relational Analysis. In CAS, consonant and vowel inventory constraints manifest as the same sorts of simplification errors that are found in phonological disorder, but in addition to these, errors that involve increased phonetic complexity are found. This would result in a representational deficit involving the availability of too many options for articulation and processing. Daunting though these barriers may appear to be, clinicians know from their professional associations’ Codes of Ethics that keeping up to date with relevant literature is integral to SLPs’/SLTs’ responsibilities. The advantage of this method is that children (with or without speech sound disorders) do not need to produce any speech, and indeed do not even need to pay attention to the speech sounds as they are being processed; the MMN happens very fast (around 150 milliseconds post stimulus presentation) and is considered an automatic, pre-attentional brain response that indexes unconscious mapping between an incoming stimulus and a pre-existing phonological representation. Cross-cultural features and presentations Inconsistent oral–nasal gestures underlying the percept of nasopharyngeal resonance There is a conservative consensus view that it is best characterised as a symptom complex rather than as a unitary disorder and that it may affect, to varying degrees, some combination of: non-speech motor behaviours; speech motor behaviours; production of speech sounds and structures (word and syllable shapes); prosody; language; metalinguistic/phonemic awareness; and literacy (ASHA, 2007b). tasks for which auditory versus visual versus tactile versus a combination of cues are provided. Our participants were groups of right-handed children who were monolingual English speakers, five each in two groups: typically developing (TD) children, and children with a CAS diagnosis. Rather, it suggests a motor planning component and a phonological component are integral to CAS. Diagnostic criteria These include those features that often comprise clinical diagnostic checklists for CAS (e.g., vowel errors, increased errors as syllable and word complexity increase) and those also observed in children with other speech sound disorders (Forrest, 2003; McCabe, Rosenthal & McLeod, 1998). How should it be assessed? In CAS, consonant and vowel inventory constraints manifest as the same sorts of simplification errors that are found in phonological disorder, but in addition to these, errors that involve increased phonetic complexity are found. EEG, ERPs and CAS Worse/better in certain situations? prosodic aspects of speech production This spring (the infamous COVID-19 pandemic of 2020), I took advantage of the ASHA's learning pass. Simplifications in the form of systemic or substitution processes, e.g., stopping, gliding; simplifications of syllable structures, e.g., FCD, CR, WSD, Simplifications AND increased segmental complexity: e.g., affricates replacing stops; clusters replacing singletons; diphthongs replacing vowels. date with the evidence-base underpinning practice (Stephens & Upton, 2012; Vallino-Napoli & Reilly, 2004). Similarly, Box 6.2 shows the characteristics of CAS, how to test, and observations to be made. In the committee’s proposed definition of CAS, ‘a core impairment in planning and/or programming [the] spatiotemporal parameters of movement sequences’ is described (ASHA, 2007b, p. 1), highlighting the importance of skilled motor movements underlying speech production. There is a great deal of overlap in the symptoms of CAS and the symptoms of other phonological disorders, so it is often difficult to decide whether a diagnosis of CAS is appropriate. Current thinking in academia, and in the clinical field, tends towards a focus on the overlap of symptoms, and the overlap of treatment methodologies, for children with CAS and children with moderate through to severe phonological disorder. Inconsistent phonological disorder: children’s phonological. Long Term Phonology Goal: ... Short Term . The ad-hoc CAS committee acknowledged that an affected child’s speech characteristics may change over time, and that the three features ‘are not proposed to be the necessary and sufficient signs of CAS’ (ASHA, 2007b, p. 2). These include those features that often comprise clinical diagnostic checklists for CAS (e.g., vowel errors, increased errors as syllable and word complexity increase) and those also observed in children with other speech sound disorders (Forrest, 2003; McCabe, Rosenthal & McLeod, 1998). Such evidence suggests that MMN can be used as an index of the activation of language-specific phonological memory traces. These are arranged under the overlapping section headings of: general characteristics, phonetic characteristics/phonetic error-types, sound sequencing difficulties, timing disturbances, disturbed temporal–spatial relationships of the articulators, contextual changes in articulatory proficiency, phonological awareness, receptive language and expressive language. These are worthy aspirations, because in combining our clinical knowledge with new evidence and theories, we may be better positioned to provide more effective, efficient and appropriate services (Reilly, Douglas & Oates, 2004). ), low vocabulary for age (parents’ judgement), comparison with other children in the family and/or age-peers; one word for many meanings (‘big’ for all machines/vehicles). Search for more papers by this author. Indeed, when surveyed, most clinicians report placing a high value on the importance of research, and desire to keep up to date with the evidence-base underpinning practice (Stephens & Upton, 2012; Vallino-Napoli & Reilly, 2004). This was a retrospective study that examined continuous EEG recordings, finding focal or diffuse abnormalities in 15 out of 26 children with DAS. Our prediction was that children without CAS would show MMN responses to the phonemically distinct pairs of speech sounds, but not to the allophonic contrast; whereas children with CAS, in the event that CAS is associated with a representational deficit like that proposed by Dogil and Mayer (1998), should show abnormalities in MMN. Denasalization is usually eliminated by the time the child is two and a half years old. Attending relevant CPD/CEU events, especially those that present a synthesis of the available literature on a given topic. The CAS Technical Report does not incorporate definitive assessment guidelines or a single diagnostic test for CAS, due to the lack of evidence supporting such specific recommendations (Caspari, 2007). Make a syllable stress patterns inventory. Q41. Look for literacy issues generally (Zaretsky, Velleman & Curro, 2010). Discussing these ramifications, Gierut, p. S87, takes the view that, ‘research calls for both retrospective and prospective studies of the etiology of phonological disorders and the identification of integrated causal relationships and their outcome on a speaker’s daily life’. Against this background, we found it difficult to ignore the notion that CAS might in fact involve a representational component. A common-sense (to some) symptomatic approach to treatment has emerged. However, the children with CAS responded quite differently, showing a typical MMN in response to the allophonic contrast only. These are summarised below in terms of the four questions referred to previously: The ASHA Technical Report and accompanying Position Statement clearly support the existence of CAS as a recognised paediatric speech sound disorder. Making use of sources that have already synthesised information for you, such as review articles, book chapters, meta-analyses and databases of interventions (e.g., speechBITE, www.speechBITE.com). Chapter 6 addresses a range of practical issues in the dynamic assessment, and differential diagnosis of children with moderate and severe SSD, including childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) or suspected CAS, sometimes abbreviated as sCAS. Absorbing reading for those with the literature corroborates the many practical issues by... That dyslexia affects a person 's ability to represent the electrical potentials that are time-locked to particular cognitive processes ready! 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With emerging support for interventions that target Perra, Rachele Pisu Randaccio, Enrica Diana, Bernardo,... Box 6.2 shows the Characteristics of CAS, how to Test, and segmental complexity errors as. And efficient processing ( Dinnsen, 1996 ) the suggestions provided by Johnson ( 2006 ) and Characteristics!