And so he should have been afraid. He left and never came back. He didn’t even pay enough attention to know about my education, which happened to be fantastic. And refused to talk to us and just, I don’t know, I went away from it and I went, “Wow, there’s something really wrong with him.”. We have a wonderful and ever-growing family and every one of us is doing great. First of all I would say outright, I was, I was shocked at how bad he looked. She was ashamed over how her son turned out—an incessant liar who deserted his own children and family and continues to try to harm people of good will. Before that he wasn’t in my life at all. When Rinder left, Taryn says, he never said goodbye, leaving them in the lurch with “not one single piece of communication, not an email, not a phone call, not a note, not a goodbye.” Taryn was with her mother Cathy when they tried to reconcile things with Rinder and he attacked Cathy. In fact, I make it my business to know about the world as we aim to help people worldwide every day. And I remember going, “Oh my god, he hates her.” Like he was just like, “Grrr! Except to make his next call herein he spins a wild version of the episode to the local tabloid. Mike Rinder heads off a BBC reporter in one of his last acts as Scientology's international spokesperson. He is a violent, unstable man who abandoned his family without notice, shredding his ex-wife’s arm so severely she will never regain full use of it. For so intense and vicious is Rinder’s hatred for anyone associated with Scientology that it ultimately destroyed every meaningful relationship he ever had… beginning with the family he abandoned for the fact they remain Scientologists. Eager to discredit the show, Miscavige has ordered an all-out Fair Game attack against Mike Rinder. The photos are organized into a network, an archive, and many more categories. And we’re going to go in December. The list goes on. November 21, 2020 By Mike Rinder 41 Comments. Photos, videos, and other materials. Find out the truth. So she’s saying, “Mike, please just—can you not do this? Mike Rinder chose to abandon a son, a daughter, a wife of three decades, a brother and even his mother in the years before she died. Like, I was positive. Letter from Taryn Teutsch, daughter of Mike Rinder, to ABC Mike’s hypocrisy is laughable because he claims to care so much about education, children and welfare and he couldn't have been a worse father. He lies about his lies, and then lies about those lies. He deserted everyone in his own family, including his mother. I am offended by this and insulted by the outright lie that I and many of my friends who grew up with Scientology are anything but intelligent, productive members of society. He left all of us. Mike Rinder is a truly degraded being. Can you please—I’m fine on you not being in Scientology, we’re all okay on that. Said Rinder’s daughter Taryn, now grown: “My whole life I … So how does that person consult with, or become a consultant for that subject matter? All Rights Reserved. We’re happy with that.” But he wouldn’t stop and so she kept saying, “Can you please stop doing this, can you please just…” Okay, so then that incident happened where he went in her room. Not an email, not a phone call, not a note, not a goodbye. Mike Rinder’s domestic abuse and violence is a matter of public record. We both just thought he hated us. I was laughing at the claim about Sea Org members not being allowed this or that, TV, Internet, news etc. The kids went to Scientology schools. To do that, she brought out Mike Rinder, the former international spokesperson for the church. Do you want to see my iTunes account? I went there with my mom and my uncle thinking, “Okay good, let’s go see him and give him the benefit of the doubt and see if we can reconcile this, once and for all. About the lie forwarded regarding Scientology taking precedence over anything else in your life: Well this is a manifestation of the blatant refusal by him and any others who listen to him to actually look at Scientology and what we believe in. Everyone in the family is just like, ‘Wow, we didn't even realize how much, like what a black sheep he was,” how much he put a little uuhhh on the family communication lines. It’s hurting.” You know, and he’s just like, “Yeah! He never cared. My family is now a 4th generation family of Scientologists (bar Mike of course). He knew he was deserting us when he did it, and he did it anyway. Mike’s hypocrisy is laughable because he claims to care so much about education, children and welfare and he couldn’t have been a worse father. It was a hit and run and I almost, I almost died. He violently attacked his then-estranged wife in Clearwater, Florida, when she, their daughter and Rinder’s brother approached him to offer their help. That’s, that’s Mike.” And my mom was there and she was speaking to him and at one point he totally and utterly lost it. WireImage. A Primer on Brainwashing. He left behind every true friend he ever had. Justice, compassion, benevolence, kindness, tolerance, belief, respect, friendliness, self-control, honesty, loyalty, love and integrity—these are the words that describe any Scientologist and our actions. Rinder’s Domestic Abuse and Violence. Even when he was with us he treated everybody like shit. Mike Rinder: Wife Beater. The photos are organized into a network, an archive, and many more categories. He leaves both of his kids. So he comes along and not only deserts his immediate family, meaning me, my brother and my mom, but her, his brother, his sister who are all also Scientologists, and their kids. Letter from Taryn Teutsch, daughter of Mike Rinder, to ABC. So for Mike to now tell or to say on the show or to insinuate in any way that 1) he knows anything about me, or 2) that I or my brother or my mom disconnected from him is just a total farce. Go have your life, be with Jack and your wife, that’s totally fine. I mean they thought I might die. Just by the fact that a dad is someone that you depend on, that is there with you, that lives your life with you, that goes through your special, you are good, you are bad and all of that and I wouldn’t say that he held that function or did any of those things for me and even more so for my brother. My father, Mike Rinder, out of the blue, attacked my mom and broke her shoulder in front of my eyes.He caused her nerve damage that will never be able to be healed.She’s had to have years of physical therapy. Take the opposite of each of these characteristics and you will have Mike Rinder. Mike Rinder & Christie Collbran’s kids – … She’s had an operation. The most notorious recent effort of Scientology to use unwitting celebrities as pawns occurred when Mike Rinder’s daughter Taryn Teutsch cynically sought to exploit the #MeToo movement. Don’t let him pull the wool over your eyes. This could not be further from the truth. She and her sister Terri and brother Peter, wrote this tribute and made this video. I read The Week, fashion mags and anything else I have an interest in or want to find out about. Instead, he was busy sleeping with a woman young enough to be his daughter. From her enlightening docu-series and eye-opening memoir to her new podcast with Mike Rinder (pictured above), it's clear Remini is determined to share the truth about the group. With Leah Remini, Mike Rinder, Christie Collbran, L. Ron Hubbard. I then flourished throughout my years and always had a high IQ. My comment on him being a consultant for Leah Remini on the subject matter of disconnection specifically is actually a little bit laughable. I’m telling you, you would have a conversation with him, you would walk away and go, “I suck.” It was the way he made you feel, that you were horrible and this is coming from his daughter and his son, I mean my brother—he never liked him, he didn’t like him. Mike’s hypocrisy is laughable because he claims to care so much about education, children and welfare and he couldn't have been a worse father. As a dad, I wouldn’t really call him a dad. Mike Rinder and Leah Remini used that quote in their program without once ever talking to Cathy Tweed to get an update on how she’s doing with her own daughter’s suicide 3 years later. Let’s talk about Mike Rinder’s daughter, Taryn Teutsch Taryn has her own Instagram account which she advertises her “#FireMikeRinder campaign. I have also been apprised of the alleged claims being made. You realize he let his own mother pass away with a broken heart after he broke into her home, rummaged through her stuff and upset her horribly. My grandmother had quite a few times spoken up and or written to him saying, “Please stop, stop attacking my family, my church.” Like, she is a founding Scientologist, her and my grandfather were. She says that Rinder wouldn’t listen to them and he “grabbed my mom’s arms and he gouged her arm. He deserted my brother, mother and me on June 10, 2007. Her posts consists of videos where she talks about how physically abusive he was to her mother and how she wants to stand up to domestic violence. Never. He didn’t even, he wouldn’t even listen. Meanwhile, Mike Rinder couldn’t care less. I don’t know. It just didn’t happen. Against Mike Rinder. Leah visits the spiritual headquarters of Scientology--Clearwater, Florida--to hear Mike Rinder's personal story. I was born into Scientology and have remained a dedicated Scientologist. For him to say anything to Leah Remini in her show or otherwise—factually to anybody for that matter, especially people that—I don't know them at all. His own family has been speaking out against him. I which I didn’t have a son that did this.”. The site is also not intended to be a museum, but rather a place where photos can be viewed, grouped, commented upon, analyzed, and interpreted for those interested in the photographs. And we went to New York, and we went to Australia. Shortly after that she got very ill, within probably I would say about a year. In July, Remini and another former Scientologist, Mike Rinder, launched a podcast, Scientology: Fair Game, as a way to continue the conversation about the group Credit: Splash News “Leah Remini has blood on her hands. Link to Instagram Taryn’s Instagram I have known the Gillham children for nearly 50 years. He is the ONLY family member missing from the last 6 family vacations we have taken from Australia to New York and this last Christmas at Disneyworld. Nothing. I mean, he was still married to her at this time even though he decided to go with another woman but that’s a whole ‘nother story. Like by true definition he's the one that disconnected. Get the facts about those you are forwarding lies about instead of closing your eyes to the discrimination towards me and many other Scientologists. I don’t remember ever seeing my family as much, or see and feel our family as close as we are now, since he was removed, or removed himself from our family. I am the daughter of a domestic violence survivor. I have no recollection of even seeing him or—I’m trying—you know I thought about it recently and I was like, “Wow, I don’t think he was ever there.” Not once, but my mom was there every single day. I don’t remember how old I was at the time. My mom, who had been married to him for 35 years, repeatedly tried to get him to communicate and he refused. They got married in 1976, and together they had two kids, a son Benjamin and a daughter Taryn. When Rinder left, Taryn says, he never said goodbye, leaving them in the lurch with “not one single piece of communication, not an … So not only did he desert us, leave his mom which of course that’s just like—he just left, never said anything to her either. And that's been just part of what Mike Rinder-- once the brains behind Scientology's handling of the media until he himself left the group in 2007 -- calls a dazzling strategy. Mike Rinder and my mom. And every single one of us has expanded and we're doing great and we see each other more than ever. Not one single piece of communication. And if you ask me right now, I can’t—I don’t remember my dad ever being there, ever, ever, ever. When I was 8 years old I got hit by a car. He would never have remembered this but when I was just starting school at Carpenter Avenue in L.A. when I was about 4 or 5, they told me: “You know so much for someone so young and are ahead of the other students. So he was all frantic about that and crazy. Leah Remini?? You can be sure, at that point, I disowned him forever. So he has to place the blame elsewhere. © 2021 Church of Scientology International. So since he removed himself from our family, it’s only gotten better and better. My latest download is the new Adele song and before that it was the Aloha movie. Scientology Deaths and Suicides. Rinder rides to the rescue … I understand you are doing a show with Mike Rinder and Leah Remini. He didn’t attend her funeral and was nowhere to be found when his son was battling life-threatening cancer. As you can see she is proudly announcing that her daughter Manaka was a Class V auditor and Clear at age 14 and joined the Sea Org at age 15. What a miserable way to live. He walked out on us and never came back. Part of his job, he said, “was to discredit and destroy critics who spoke out against the church.” He can go on his own way, I’m totally fine with that like—but just stop attacking me and saying things about me or my family or my family members.” Okay good, we go to see him. But the truth is, he did nothing to actually help us personally. And my brother and Jackie and my cousin in Florida spent the weekend with Andrew and Pat a few weeks before that. After all, that is the product of a good education, isn’t it? He looks whacked, he looks crazy to me and his eyes looked funny.” I mean, it was just—I hadn’t seen him and then I saw him and I was like, “Wow, oh my god. Taryn Teutsch, Mike Rinder’s daughter, says that because of the way her father treated her when she was growing up, she thought he hated her. Mike has no respect for his family, no consideration for our welfare or our requests for him to get on with his life and leave us and our religion alone. November 14, 2020 By Mike Rinder 40 Comments. But not only that but he actually—I don’t know exactly, technically what he did but he pulled her arm out, okay. A strong family is part of living—so Mike Rinder is just contradicting himself. The couple have been married since 2003 and share daughter Sofia, 14. And I was just with Andrew and Pat last weekend. Tom Cruise and daughter Suri leave Manhattan by helicopter at the West Side Heliport in 2012. An Open Letter from Mike Rinder’s Daughter Taryn to Nancy Dubuc, CEO of A&E How dare you air lies from your “producer” Mike Rinder—my father—to cover up the lifetime of mental anguish and abuse he inflicted on my brother and me. But after he disconnected from us, he is the only one estranged from our family. The site is also not intended to be a museum, but rather a place where photos can be viewed, grouped, commented upon, analyzed, and interpreted for those interested in the photographs. Mike’s sister and her family are coming. That just seems absurd. Miscavige has even resorted to calling in Kirstie Alley for help. He fully and utterly misrepresents me, my lifestyle, my church, my friends, my mom, my brother, my family and everything having to do with it and does it knowingly—and does it to meet his own ends and so for me that signifies a liar. To suggest we can’t use the Internet is ludicrous. Mike Rinder is a family man and has married twice in his life. Bitch!” Like really bad like, scary, I was like, “Wholly crap, that’s my dad, doing that to my mom.”, Mike’s brother Andrew then tried to talk to him even more and was like, “Look man, just stop and talk to us.” And he was just like, “I’m out of here!” and trying to get in his car and leaving and then he ends up basically like, bending my uncle’s fingers back, completely hurting him. Never. That’s because Mike Rinder is the true father from hell, the ultimate disconnector who by his own choice blew up his own family. Mike Rinder was once the international spokesperson for the Church of Scientology, but when Remini sat down with him almost a decade after he left the church, he showed her a … Left both of us in the lurch with no communication. I go on the Internet at least once a day, I am up to date on the news—so are my friends and co-workers. © 1995–2021 Church of Scientology International. No it’s not!” And I can’t remember what he said but I think he was saying like, “Yeah right.” I don’t remember what he said but it wasn’t very nice, but I do remember seeing the interaction between him and my mom. Church of Scientology letter to ABC News Senior Vice President, Church’s social betterment and humanitarian programs, Church of Scientology response to ABC News on Church growth, Church of Scientology response to ABC News-20/20 Inquiry #1, Church of Scientology letter on Remini clips, Church of Scientology response on questions pertaining to Mike Rinder, Church of Scientology response to ABC News-20/20 Inquiry #2, Church of Scientology response to ABC News-20/20 Inquiry #3, Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International, Association for Better Living and Education, Church of Scientology statement re Leah Remini, Building for the Future of the Scientology Religion. Rinder’s daughter described the … He married his first wife, Catherine, while he was still working in the Sea Organization. December 21, 2020 By Mike Rinder 36 Comments. Like everything got better. He was—you could tell his only interest in the conversation was getting something the media could use because he was like, “I’m getting the BBC on the phone” or whatever. Rinder shows his hatred toward women by publicly trashing Cathy and their daughter, Taryn, who has courageously stood up for her mother. Not once. Remini's cohost, Mike Rinder, released a statement shortly after the murder of the religious worker, saying, "They basically seek to shift the blame to … It doesn’t make sense to me. She got very ill and then she was on her death bed, literally on her death bed. Michael John Rinder (/ ˈ r ɪ n d ər /; born 10 April 1955) is an Australian-American former senior executive of the Church of Scientology International (CSI) and the Sea Organization based in the United States. I live life to the fullest and that depends on family. In other words, the daughter of your source claiming we have no access on the Internet, can’t watch TV or see the news is on the Internet, watches TV programs and is up to date on the news. Like meaning, when I saw him I was like, “Whoa. Mike Rinder has been lying his whole life and I will continue to speak the truth about him until he stops attacking his own family, our religion and our lives. Then he starts attacking the one thing that, you know, the thing she’s put her heart into the most and our religion and our family and he starts attacking that. And so they’ve put a lot of their own lives and love and their heart into creating this religion and forwarding it. He never said good bye, he never gave us a letter, he never said, “Okay kids, I’m off, you can have your choice.” Nothing. She had surgery and she’ll never have proper function of it and… So she’s sitting there screaming and—this is his wife. Scientology leader David Miscavige has panicked with the approach of Season 3 of Leah Remini's Emmy-winning program Scientology and the Aftermath. And yet he is the exact opposite of that. Mike is bitter because he is missing out on this. Predatory Alienation, Religion and the Law. Similarly, after receiving further medical care, Rinder’s wife and daughter return to Los Angeles battered and emotionally bruised. His bitter, angry ex-wife, daughter and brother all conspired to hunt him down, physically and verbally assault him while attempting to keep him from removing himself from the scene. July 27, 2020 By Mike Rinder 92 Comments. And now her daughter Kiki, who is 13, is on her professional auditor training line-up. Taryn Teutsch, Mike Rinder’s daughter, says that because of the way her father treated her when she was growing up, she thought he hated her. I can access them anytime I want. He never cared. We have a very, very close knit family. And education is one of the most important aspects of our religion! And he’s hurting her like, badly hurting her. My father is the outsider. Peter Gillham 13 Nov 1927 – 6 Dec 2020 December 8, 2020 By Mike Rinder 15 Comments Peter’s daughter, Janis, informed me that her father had passed away. He separated from his wife in … And everyone is just so much more vibrant and flourishing and prospering and doing well and more successful in their jobs. Because of the way he treated me and because of those non-gestures by an early, my early teens or late teens I thought he hated me. … She had surgery and she’ll never have proper function of it.”. Documentary evidence supports how Mike Rinder abused his family, his former wife and even his coworkers—men and women. All Rights Reserved. —Mike Rinder . Here he is, standing behind Leah Remini—as if she or he knows anything … What does she know? He is just bitter because he deserted us and never cared about his family or made the time for any of us. The … Stop, Mike stop!” And he gouged her arm. They've never experienced my life or my family's life and my childhood or what I went through or even now in the present the way that our family operates—which is amazing, the best ever. She doesn’t even know us and certainly has no data about me, my brother, my mother and my family. Because as a consultant, you would think it would be someone that does whatever that thing is, that is a good example of whatever you’re trying to show. So now it’s years later, right now, as we’re talking, 2016, and every day she’s in pain, every single day. He wouldn’t even have a conversation and go, “Wow, my kid’s here, my wife’s here, my brother’s here, they all came to see me, why don’t I stop a minute and hear what they have to say.” No, he wouldn’t listen to us, he then grabbed my mom’s arm and I guess there was a key or something he had in his hand, his car key and he’s grabbing her arm so bad, she’s going, “Ow, ow, ow, ow! She’s a small woman, she’s pretty frail, like meaning she has small bones and stuff and he was squeezing her and, and she’s going “Stop, stop! I am very aware of the continual vicious lies from Mike Rinder, as many of these concern me, his daughter, and my family. Spearheaded by Mike's daughter Taryn, this Fair… Dealing with Critics of Scientology – The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook Then, when we went to see him a few years ago in Florida to speak to him about the situation he created, he viciously attacked my Mom and caused her permanent physical damage to her shoulder requiring surgery. But he never said goodbye, he never said anything. I feel for this beautiful girl (I assume her sister is similarly blessed). Photos, videos, and other materials. It was always our mother who was there for us. We were getting calls from the hospital in Australia, like, “Okay, she’s going to die any day now.” And the last thing she asked is, “I wish Mike—I was on the phone with her—and she says, I wish Mike would come to his senses. My brother and I suffered much distress because of his uncaring attitude toward us. For an opener, I am a Scientologist and a Sea Org member. He treated us like, really like, like we were nothing. That didn’t happen before. ... follows Leah as she investigates the Church of Scientology alongside co-host Mike Rinder. Their daughter, Ashley, was born in 1984, son, Nick in 1987. You are so advanced already.” I had been home-schooled by a dear friend of mine—and as a result excelled in school (which I attended both in Clearwater, FL, and in L.A.). So he disconnects from his family. Regarding the claim about disconnection, Mike Rinder is the one who wrecked his own family. Here is a letter from his daughter, Taryn. 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