How do I ensure that the Ebony Blades I have are powered-up if I used console commands to procure them? Kill, thrall again, etc. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Probably because the intended version is hidden and locked away behind console commands and when those quests for it were scrapped we got this version of the weapon and half-assed into it's place. Improves the caster's armor rating by 100 points for 60 seconds. Mount and Blade Warband cheats and console commands can provide you with things like health, experience, gold, and more. Players can slay. Any ideas? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Mini Cooper Emissions Warning Light, Zack Granite Salary, Followers can wield the blade, but cannot fortify the enchantment unless instructed to kill an ally. What level do you have to be to start the quest? I also would like to know if further Ebony Blades I add through console commands will be powered up as I would like my follower(s) to use the Ebony Blade too. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Her dialogue, in order, is such: If the hilt glows red, the blade has gained power. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Ebony blade charging. honk HONK honk HONK Before that, it’s highly recommended to keep a separate save file/backup that has never been tweaked with cheats. Kill>raise>wait>kill>raise>wait, Ask us anything! I assume that DA08EbonyBlade is what you spawned, since it has the absorb health effects. In the vanilla game, the Ebony Blade is DA08EbonyBlade (DA08RealEbonyBlade, which doesn't cause victims to become hostile, is not normally available; it's possible the unofficial patch changes this). Click the link to more about the mod tool, and for the console command check the full list … For example, anyone whose favor has been completed or who has been won over during any type of quest can be absorbed by the blade. The Ebony Blade shares similarities with Stormbringer, a black, runed sword from the Elric of Melnibone novels. Base Value Background info on why I am asking this: I used console commands to give myself the Ebony Blade, and murdered multiple clones of my spouse (through the player.placeatme console command) to power up (increase the Absorb Health effect of) the Ebony Blade. To use them you will have to download Developer Mod tool from Nexus Mod for Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. Since you have the Ebony Blade, and I believe it is considered an enchanted item then you need the perks in Smithing which is Arcane Smithing (I think that's what it's called. Although patch 1.9 fixed the Ebony Blade's incorrect classification as a one-handed weapon, the Ebony Blade will still swing faster than any in-game two-handed weapon, and even surpass some one-handed weapons. FWIW, the Ebony Blade is... notably troublesome as items go; it has all kinds of bugs and scripts associated with it, so this won't be easy to figure out I don't think. Keto Cereal Publix, @3ventic It didn't stack, as one of the Ebony Blades (the first one I added through a console command) was improved through a grindstone. This method can be made even faster by resurrecting the enemy, cast calm again just to make sure, then kill them again. Enjoy! Hi, how can I help? Why is the enemy healthbar being retargeted? If giving the blade to a follower doesn't work I'll try that, thanks. Colton Dixon Biography, With a British hint of sarcastic humour. Lionheart Band F45, Blague De Papa, ". I doubt they modified the global nature of the power-up tracking though, that would be a lot of extra work for no particular benefit. Speak to Nelkir 5. It only takes a minute to sign up. The second level requires that the aforementioned variable is greater than 2 but less than or equal to 4. save. Since the game doesn't state how much 'Absorb Health' effect the Ebony Blades have, I am unsure if both weapons are powered-up. That’s all for now. The following is a list of Sword and Dagger IDs. He got it by the wall glitch. CTRL + X: Gives experience to the selected party member, CTRL + X: Gives you 1000 XP (In character screen), CTRL + W: Greatly increases all of your weapon proficiencies, CTRL + L: Level up (Don’t get past level 62. It doesn't change my point that the Ebony Blade is buried under a mountain of custom scripts and other bits of code; the fact that you're running with a modified version of those scripts - 'fixed' or not, honestly just makes this even more niche, IMO. {{To select, open console command and click the person or thing}} Kill everything in the vicinity: killall Revive an NPC: select the NPC and type resurrect ((may take a few tries to correctly select NPC, so don't be discouraged if it doesn't work the first time)) Set Health: player.setav health (number) Set Magicka: player.setav magicka (number) Problem Child Streaming, But, if there is a separate save file that is untouched, then there’s no need to worry about such things. In this case, it can only be started using the console command setstage DA08 10. Where is the location of this large stump and monument (lighthouse?) Spawn Commands. How to make the guards to stop attacking me? The Whispering Lady will speak to you again once you take the blade. How does one take advantage of unencrypted traffic? How to reveal a time limit without videogaming it? Can be upgrade with an Ebony Ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith Perk; Does not benefit form any other Smithing Perk 39. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. I am 90% sure the blade will work for a follower as well as it works for you. The Pale Blade 1-5. Additional Effects Why wouldn't you want to increase your two-handed? #1. Aphrodite Patron Goddess Wicca, In Oblivion, the Ebony Blade was a one-handed weapon, so maybe it's just a cute quirk, or they actually planned for it to be a one-handed weapon, then decided "no" when they realized they didn't have a two-handed sword artifact yet. If I return an item a fugitive gave me to the hunter, will the hunter like me and can i then kill him with the ebony blade to charge it? A note about using the console commands is unneeded as well because the console can be used for all, why not just set the blade to its max via console? Ebony Blade. USKP changelog here (search for 'Ebony Blade' to find its related fixes). How can access multi Lists from Sharepoint Add-ins? It does.. nut sure about the console command. Helo Wheels Lug Nuts, Open the whispering door 7. Why are diamond shapes forming from these evenly-spaced lines? You still gain two-handed skill when using the weapon though. 000f5d2a - The Pale Blade 6-11. What To Call A Female Knight, Obtain the key to the whispering door 6. The item ID for Ebony Blade in Skyrim on Steam (PC / Mac) is: 0004A38F. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine,, The contract quests of the Dark Brotherhood are particularly beneficial. Is there any way of fixing this outside of console commands since we are on the 360? Can a private company refuse to sell a franchise to someone solely based on being black? In our Skyrim Console Commands post, ... 0004A38F - Ebony Blade. I've found lost items by using the console tcl command and walking through walls in my homes. Command. Should get most of your upgrades from just one body before it … Again, don’t forget to always keep backups in case you end up breaking the game. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The page looks to include enough NPCs for any type of character, but will not include every possible NPC. So now, I have two Ebony Blades. The conditions for the effect are run against the "Subject," but for effect items I believe the subject is the target of the attack, so that should not matter (it's not like each character in the world gets it own copy of all quest state anyway; only the player does). I murder* multiple clones of my spouse (through the player.placeatme