Igaram was angry that Koza hit the princess, and Toto begged the king to let him apologize by committing suicide, but Cobra told them to stay out of it, recognizing it as just a fight between children. Friendly customer service. Joe: Sigma 6 featured a villainous terrorist organization named Cobra. After she infiltrated the organization, her true identity was discovered and she was attacked by Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine at Whiskey Peak. While playing the role of Miss Wednesday, she looked older, and her facial features were much more angular. Cobra's color scheme in the manga after the timeskip. Koza came from behind and hit him with a stick. Alubarna, Alabasta Nefertari Vivi's pre-timeskip concept art from the anime. High quality Nefertari gifts and merchandise. Kyle Hebert. Excellent Model P.O.P One Piece Nefertari Vivi Figure MegaHouse F/S w/Tracking# $92.48. Mr. 2 was then picked up by his own ship and crew, praising their new-found friendship as he left. [62], The doctor was discovered to be on the other side of the island, and Usopp, Vivi, and Dalton rushed to find her. This difference in the outfit caused one of her attacks, Miwaku no Memai Dance, to change in the anime, as explained in the article Peacock Slashers. : SW15503 Beschreibung Eigenschaften. [36] As the Straw Hats were welcomed like heroes, Vivi and Mr. 9 wrote an apology letter to their boss regarding their failure.[37]. [11] She also has a habit of biting her bottom lip when she is worried. Nefeltari Vivi (Viz, FUNImation subs, Odex, 4Kids, Movie 8 dub); Nefertari Vivi's color scheme in the manga before the timeskip. He has a wrinkled face, a tied-off beard, and long, curly, black hair. Karoo ran off with her, climbing the steep walls of Alubarna, but Mr. 2 was still in pursuit until Sanji appeared to delay him. [73], They continued their journey through the desert. Just then, the other two kidnappers arrived and were about to fight Koza when Igaram and Cobra knocked them out. While peaking, he and the others were overwhelmed by Nami's "Happiness Punch". [82], Vivi was shown to be happy sailing again, this time to Mary Geoise for the Levely, with her father, Chaka, Pell, and Karoo. Read more information about the character Vivi Nefertari from One Piece? Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for One Piece Jeans Freak Vol.9 Pvc Figure Nefertari Bibi Pink Blue B Color Rare at the best online prices at eBay! During the meeting, Wapol had been upset by Cobra's words, and after the meeting, he "accidentally" slapped her. Vivi can also make use of Karoo, in spite of his frequent incompetence, to gain more mobility in battle. It was only after she allied herself with the Straw Hats that she was drawn to look more like a teenage girl, with slightly bigger/rounder facial features and a less shapely body. [75], The Straw Hats left Yuba in the morning, and as Vivi started leading them back the way they came, Luffy became stubborn and told her that stopping the rebels would not get rid of Crocodile, suggesting they target Crocodile instead. Nefertari Vivi may have been the first princess that the Straw Hats met, but she was far from the last. Teilen Artikel-Nr. It immediately reached the Revolutionary Army and East Blue from where Sabo was born. He wears a green robe with yellow edging, an orange and beige sash around his waist, and a purple coat. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. After the events of the Enies Lobby arc, Cobra is surprised to see Nico Robin as part of the Straw Hat crew, noting that she is "unpredictable," and to see Vivi not surprised by the revelation. Later when she and the Straw Hats landed on Drum Island to find a doctor for Nami, Dalton saw Vivi working towards preventing a conflict between the crew and the townspeople and allowed them onto the island, feeling he could trust them. Nami (One Piece) (7) Vinsmoke Sanji (7) Trafalgar D. Water Law (6) Nico Robin (5) Tony Tony Chopper (5) Franky (One Piece) (5) Include Relationships Nefertari Vivi/Portgas D. Ace (26) Monkey D. Luffy/Nami (5) Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji (5) Koala/Sabo (One Piece) (3) Nefertari Vivi & Portgas D. Ace (3) Kaya/Usopp (One Piece) (3) Nefertari Vivi's outfit during the Drum Island Arc. He noted that even if they managed to reach the rebels, Crocodile would still try to continue the war— it should be noted that, at this point, they still thought there was time before the battles started. On her own, she has surprising natural agility, often dodging attacks gracefully and almost mindlessly, often appearing surprised after it happens. [33] Crocus, the whale's doctor, helped the Straw Hats leave the whale, while Mr. 9 and Vivi were thrown out to sea and escaped. Cobra also requested an audience with the Five Elders as well. After Dalton interrupted and drove Wapol away, Vivi was happy to be reacquainted with him and Kureha. $168.80. Vivi and Luffy manage to gain the trust of the people that attacked them and were taken to the village, leaving Zoro and Karoo to guard the ship. Later, the group discovered that, due to the giants' weapons being worn out from one hundred years of use, Dorry was alive and had only passed out from the wound inflicted. As they have been together since childhood, the two have an exceptionally strong bond, and he is willing to do most anything for her, though this bond does not stop Vivi from scolding him when he disobeys or misunderstands her simplest orders. This was made very evident when she struggled against a single Bananawani while Luffy and Zoro could defeat a group of them effortlessly. Nami furiously berated Vivi for putting them on Baroque Works's hit list, prompting Vivi to claim it accidentally slipped out. When infiltrating Baroque Works, she held her own within the organization, and quickly rose up the ranks within two years. He left Vivi and Usopp his sled to continue towards the doctor as he took off to fight Wapol. One Piece - Nefertari Vivi - One Piece Q Posket Petit 14,90 € * inkl. In addition, he is charitable, paying to support the citizens of Koza's village out of the royal family's living expenses without hesitation. That confrontation cemented their relationship of strong mutual trust. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Alabasta Kingdom[2][3] The wrapped fragment is just over 12 inches (30 centimeters) long. Six years before the start of the story, Cobra was at a Levely to discuss Monkey D. Dragon's threat to the stability of the world. Koza's father had paid the King a visit, but the boy felt that his father was not saying enough. He also revealed his true intentions: to find the location of the secret ancient weapon Pluton, which was said to be buried in Alabasta. Koza, the leader of the rebellion, has been a close personal friend of Vivi's for 11 years. 2-7 Werktage Menge In den Warenkorb. [55] As they were figuring out what to do next, they heard the awful scream of Dorry being defeated by Brogy due to the tainted fight. Nefertari Vivi is one of the few members of the Straw Hat crew in One Piece who no longer travels and voyages with her fellow pirate crew-mates. Nefertari Vivi's first outfit after arriving in, Nefertari Vivi's outfit at the end of the, Mr. 5 showing a photo of Nefertari Vivi as a. However, Vivi showed mostly confusion from Sanji's actions towards her. Vivi has proven herself to be a very capable spy, and has shown great skill in stealth and other clandestine skills as well. Later, after the Battle of Marineford, she was seen puzzling over a newspaper article with Karoo, trying to figure out what the markings pictured on Luffy's arm meant. After joining the clan, Vivi became close to Koza's family.[29]. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji quickly dispatched any threatening creatures but berated her for her inability to remember such things beforehand. Many knew the King would never do this, but the findings were enough to instill doubt in many younger citizens. [35], As the Straw Hats were quickly introduced to the Grand Line's ever-changing weather, they forced Vivi and Mr. 9 to help as well. Japanese Name: Vivi, Luffy, and Karoo eat with the giant Dorry. In addition to his royal authority over all of Alabasta's troops, Cobra was a reasonably athletic man in his youth, enough to help Igaram fight members of Agotogi's gang hand-to-hand. After gloating how her ideals are foolish, Crocodile proceeded to throw Vivi off a palace wall, but she was saved by Luffy who came in flying on Pell's back. Condition: New. The Rebels and Royal Guards noticed the rain and hesitated enough for Vivi's pleas to finally be heard. Occupations: 5.[47]. Nefertari Vivi is a beloved character from One Piece and is one of the few members of the Straw Hat crew who no longer travels and adventures with her friends. Later, after Nami explained the situation to her, Vivi refused to make a contract but thanked the Straw Hats for saving her. By Juliana Failde Oct 04, 2020. She has a natural skill in diplomacy. "Nefertari Vivi" has been featured, meaning it was chosen as an article of interest. Japanese VA: Vivi is declared the sub-leader of the Suna Suna Clan. Cobra allowed the Straw Hats to stay at the palace while they recovered from their injuries, and had a great feast to celebrate their victory. In particular, she places an enormous value on the citizens of her country and the lives of her friends. The reason why the anime changed it is unknown, but it is most probably because of how the circles on her chest resemble nipples. We learned of their past together along with his son and her friend, Koza, who was currently the leader of the Rebel Army. Cobra with his wife and Igaram reading about the Golden Age of Pirates. Right then, Vivi thought about the only place that would be useful for launching such an attack: the clock tower, which used to be a hideout for Koza and her other friends. After taunting Luffy, Miss All Sunday gave Vivi an Eternal Pose to Nanimonai Island to make their journey easier, but Luffy destroyed it, saying that no one had the right to determine the path of their voyage. Prime entdecken DE Hallo! Cobra is a man of average height. Megahouse Figure One Piece Nefertari Vivi Pvc Bathing Beauties Ver.Japan. on subjects who annoyed him, up to and including his own ministers.[8]. At Alabasta, she started using the longer range Kujakki String Slashers, which carry enough power to behead someone with a single slash. [69], The Straw Hats finally reached the desert kingdom of Alabasta, making landfall at the port town of Nanohana. Affiliations: Vivi does not fit the stereotype of a needy and authoritative princess, never demanding any special attention or prioritizing herself above others. Unable to identify which was Vivi, the agents split up to pursue all six. Free shipping . Kohza/Nefertari Vivi; Kohza (One Piece) Nefertari Vivi; Alabasta Arc; Summary. video game, and the extended version of Movie 8. [34], Luffy revealed to Nami a Log Pose he found after they dumped the Mr. 9 pair, but Sanji broke it almost immediately when he kicked Luffy for eating his entire elephant tuna. In order to prove Cobra's innocence, Vivi and Igaram infiltrated Baroque … [40] Vivi called for Karoo but was exasperated when he misunderstood her commands and sat down instead of pursuing Zoro. Vivi and Karoo returned the gesture. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Her high opinion of Luffy did not change when she learned that his father was the world's worst criminal. Koza invited Vivi to fight him for the right to join his group. Nefertari Vivi's outfit at the end of the Drum Island Arc in the manga. Many speculate that Sabo is dead. Vivi tells her history to the Straw Hat Pirates. Cobra is a fair man, who cares for his kingdom and people even after their rebellion, knowing their misled coup was still only rooted in a desire to preserve the welfare of the Alabastan people. Vergleichen Merken. In particular, she places an enormous value on the citizens of her country and the lives of her friends. He is loyal to the line of Alabastan kings and the Dynasty, and was willing to face death to prevent Crocodile from seizing the throne. [22] Crocodile then had Cobra lead Miss All Sunday to the Alabasta Poneglyph to gather information about Pluton as the Warlord confronted Luffy at the Alubarna Palace. $96.06. The feeling was mutual, in fact: Luffy begged her to keep traveling with them, but though Vivi very nearly did, she ultimately (and tearfully) declined the offer, saying that her country needed her.[12]. With help from the giants' strength, Vivi and crew were able to pass through a giant goldfish and sail on. Cobra scolds Wapol for his selfish behavior at the Levely in Mary Geoise. Vivi originally met Dalton years ago as a little girl when they attended the Levely, with Dalton as Wapol's escort, and Vivi accompanying her father Cobra. Iemasa Kayumi;Yasuhiko Tokuyama (Grand Battle! Nefertari Vivi is a character from ONE PIECE. Nefertari Cobra[5] is the 12th king of Alabasta,[6] and the current patriarch of Nefertari Family, as the late Nefertari Titi's husband, and Nefertari Vivi's father. After the timeskip, it is shown that her time with the Straw Hats have changed her, as Vivi's adventurous side from her times as a pirate showed itself when she was about to head to Mary Geoise for Levely. zzgl. Miss Wednesday (Vivi) and Mr. 9 prepare to kill Laboon. Affiliations: Her courage convinced the villagers to allow them into the village peacefully. Her plan was stopped by Crocodile. Later, more Dance Powder was found planted in the royal palace, framing the king as the culprit behind the drought. Manga pre-timeskip Debut: From Vivi, who decided to accompany him in exploration, Luffy learned why the island seemed to be stuck in the past. MwSt. As the king of Alabasta, Cobra has full authority over his subjects and is allowed to attend the Levely. [12] She and Karoo are now regarded as honorary members of the Straw Hat Pirates, at least by Luffy and the others. When Charlos tried to make Shirahoshi his slave, Vivi was outraged and protested against the World Noble's actions to which Shirahoshi's father Neptune thanked Vivi for her efforts just as he was preparing to take action. Nefertari Vivi's post-timeskip concept art from the anime. When Neptune expressed his digust at the World Noble's actions and went on to attack him, saying he would never bring his kind to the surface again, Vivi was brought to tears, saying that not all humans are like the World Nobles. Vivi does not fit the stereotype of a needy and authoritative princess, never demanding any special attention or prioritizing herself above others. The following events are Non-Canon and therefore not considered part of the Canon story. One Piece: 10 Amazing Nefertari Vivi Cosplay That Look Just Like Her. [56], After Usopp and Karoo manage to help Luffy free Nami, Vivi, and Zoro from Mr. 3's Special Candelabra, Vivi joined Nami in defeating Miss Valentine. This was proven clearly as Vivi was extremely good at moving about undetected, having established herself as a single digit member of Baroque Works for two years before her identity was compromised and she returned to Alabasta completely unnoticed by the citizens. [59] While looking for a doctor, they were attacked by the pirate Wapol, but Luffy sent him flying right away. Spielzeug . Her close relationship with the Straw Hats were further emphasized when she was one of the few people who realized Luffy had a message for the crew during his second appearance at Marineford, but she did not understand the message since she had no context. Height: A close up of Vivi's face as Miss Wednesday. He wears … Luffy asked Vivi who Mr. 0 was, but Vivi frantically told him that he was better off not knowing, although in her panic she accidentally revealed his true identity as Crocodile, shocking everyone in the vicinity. After the infamous execution of Pirate King, Gol D. Roger at Loguetown, Cobra read over a newspaper of the events and gravely announced that a terrible age has begun. Aus Banpresto ´Q Posket Petit´- Reihe kommt diese detailreiche Figur von Nefertari Vivi , sie... mehr. Many years later, Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, came to the country. A close up of Vivi's face before the timeskip. Their personalities seem to be opposites. [71] Vivi sent Karoo with a message to Alubarna to warn the King. They switch personalities when something worrisome happens: Nami is the one to calm down while Vivi panics. While Crocodile was a Shichibukai and the president of Baroque Works, the Alabasta Kingdom was on the decline due to Crocodile's machinations, which also included using Dance Powder and manipulating public opinion against the king. In fact, she usually puts the needs of others far above her own and is hesitant to rely on others or ask for help with her problems. Igaram protects Vivi after their identity is discovered by Baroque Works agents. Sanji made Crocodile believe he got caught in front of Rain Dinners, prompting the Warlord of the Sea to check out the situation in front of the casino. Rush! Blood Type: On their way to Alabasta, they steered through a cloud of steam and happened to catch Mr. 2 Bon Kurei, having incidentally pulled him off of his nearby boat. Like Karoo, Vivi has accepted the entire Super Spot-Billed Duck Troops as her pets as well as a means of transportation. She fought him again and lost but ultimately gained his followers' respect and was declared the vice leader of the Suna Suna Clan. They encountered a group of Kung-Fu Dugongs, who challenged the crew but were beaten by Luffy en masse. Yet, as a testament to his character, this loyalty to the monarchy is superseded by the compassion toward his subjects and he places their survival and welfare ahead of his own, even willing to allow the occupation and possible destruction of his capital city if it meant preventing the bloodshed of his people, seeing the lives of his citizens as the true heart of his kingdom. However, after the events during the Whisky Peak Arc, she and her pet super spot-billed duck Karoo ended up joining the Straw Hat Pirates for most of the Alabasta Saga after revealing herself to be a spy plotting against Baroque Works. When Miss Monday showed up and questioned whether they should have thrown that party for the Straw Hats when the town was already short on food to begin with, citing the Mr. 9 pair's failure to get the whale meat, Vivi and Mr. 9 defended themselves by claiming they had tried their best. From the giant, they learned that he was staying on Little Garden in order to settle his long-standing battle with a fellow giant, Brogy. At the ruins, the kidnappers were looking for Vivi and one found her. Tons of awesome Nefertari Vivi One Piece wallpapers to download for free. Vivi's antics caused Igaram to worry deeply about her. Since leaving the Straw Hats, she seems to have managed to maintain her role as a princess, all the while successfully keeping both her past as a Baroque Works agent and a companion of a pirate crew secret from the Marines and the World Government. To keep the nearby Marines from recognizing Vivi as their ally, they said only a silent goodbye to her, showing the marks on their wrists as a sign of their friendship. 0. His surname Nefertari may be based on Nefertari Meritmut, the wife of famed pharaoh Ramesses the Great. Nefertari Vivi's color scheme in the manga after the timeskip. She apparently misses her time on the sea, as she felt reminiscent from the breeze from the salty ocean. She bathed with Terracotta and a group of female Kung-Fu Dugongs.[78][79]. Cobra then thanked the Straw Hats for helping Vivi, as her father rather than as a king. Upon learning of what the Straw Hats did at Dressrosa, she immediately knew what they were doing. When traveling with the Straw Hats, she even showed an impressive, and almost comedic amount of skill in keeping the more childish members of the crew (Luffy, Ussop, and Chopper) as well as Karoo, focused, calm, and motivated during their travels together. When Igaram showed up dressed like her, a startled Vivi asked what he was doing, and Igaram revealed that he would act as a decoy for the Baroque Works agents to chase after while Vivi and the Straw Hats took the normal route to Alabasta. [31], Eight years ago, she was taken to the Council of Kings by her father and some of his attendants. Vivi will not hesitate to stand up for someone whom she just befriended as she spoke out against Charlos' attempt to enslave Shirahoshi. As Mr. 5 was about to reveal the identity of the spy, Igaram attacked him with Igarappappa, leading Vivi to call him by his real name rather than his alias. Sunday into the underworld emerging as deities in their own right the mysterious woman skill... Gain more mobility in battle the island seemed to be a very capable,... To gain more mobility in battle crew bid their farewells to the palace, he pinned Cobra to a and... # $ 92.48 at MyAnimeList, you can also make use of Karoo, Vivi mostly. 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[ 17 ] she finds Chopper adorable and calls him Tony-kun, which the... As thousands of soldiers stampeded past them Era from 's mother [ 10 ] close childhood friends, even a! Standstill and she was still undercover as a diplomat of Nefertari, wife of the! Decks of the clock tower 's picture in the manga him, as the matter it immediately reached desert. Wanted to warn the city of Alubarna saw Wapol, but she saw Mr.! Is currently unknown. [ 32 ] a king catapulting all three into Laboon 's stomach have watched! Exploded in his daughter 's strong determination and will the meeting, he `` accidentally slapped... Assumed he was dead the kingdoms route for the Straw Hats ' assistance his attitude! Dalton to become suspicious of her friends trouble with just running from one of leg. Luffy who ended up catapulting all three into Laboon 's stomach they switch personalities when something happens. Her background to Bighorn time on the matter the last drought ensued, during which the Super! 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Third meeting in another Levely, Cobra received a hostile nefertari one piece letter to him saving. Nefertari PVC-Figur - Hohe 9 Zoll: Amazon.de: Spielzeug his frequent incompetence, to his pet Bananawani instead these! At Alabasta, Cobra received a hostile welcome orange and beige sash around his waist, and by! Sash around his waist nefertari one piece and neither Vivi nor Luffy could stop Dorry from to...