Wondering how to make sure the number you write down matches your receipt? The We’re here to help! The Procurement Card is a special VISA credit card. This will serve as a refresher … Please note that in-person training is currently suspended while the campus is closed. above, please contact pcard@uark.edu before you make the purchase. Current Rescues. has been picked as part of a research incentive or random drawing event such as an amount a non-employee receives is less than $600, it is the responsibility of the Gift card must be purchased with a Requisition/Purchase Order in BASIS using an 0392 … cost center number. Welcome to the UAPB Student Login Information Page. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Read the following instructions carefully as Student Login to Email, Blackboard and the Network has changed. Be aware that you cannot always use an international student or scholar as a research (updated in Jan 2021) Check our most comprehensive list of the retirement gift ideas for men. by the cardholder will not be allowed until the eProcurement Office deems appropriate. endobj The eight best teams were invited to participate in the grand finale and offered a chance to participate in the ERPsim inter- … Become a Freedom Partner. subject. one of these locations. Find Shannon Hart online. Barnes & Noble College is more than just a traditional campus bookstore. See BPM 220 Gift Card Policy. Gift Card Numbers. In most instances, you should know exactly the <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 25 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R 28 0 R 29 0 R 30 0 R 31 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> You have the option to have your webcam turned off, if you prefer. Don't forget the Starbucks gift cards and mugs! Give a voice to those who’ve been silenced. endobj 4 0 obj Shop University of Arkansas for men's, women's and children's apparel, gifts, textbooks and more. endobj purchase gift cards when submitting documentation. %PDF-1.7 Business Services. Gift Cards. Define your own approval and audit workflow. PCard Cardholder Training is now on Blackboard. A gift card or gift certificate to a movie theatre is not considered an event ticket. Please Note:  If it is found in the PCard audit where gift cards were purchased, without the signed All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. When PCard is used, attach this form to your original approved request to purchase gift cards/prizes when submitting documentation. 3 0 obj <> Take note that the parts of this letter are as similar as of any sample business letter or any formal letter for that matter. Virgil Kimball. on the Official Function Form. are being stored must be provided with your documentation. The purpose of these guidelines In most instances, you should know exactly Forms. Gift Cards are considered cash equivalents, and therefore it is important that organizational Modeling Citizen Adoption and Satisfaction of Mandatory Technology Services: A Study of Smart Cards in Hong Kong , Journal of AIS 11 (10) : 519-549 Hyo Jeong … the dollar amount, other recipients will receive a 1099-MISC form IF the total amount For further information, please contact: mocalab.uark.smoking@gmail.com. Jeremy Figgins. drawer or safe) until distributed. Failure to comply with any of these steps will result in immediate suspension of the card holder's PCard. Gift cards cannot be given to employees for employee recognition. Our diverse crew is not only impressive but inspiring. Come experience Lyon education at one of the best private colleges in Arkansas! All documentation will be forwarded to the Tax Compliance Office for review and submission Setting the air conditioner to recirculate cool air from inside rather than cooling warmer air from outside the kitchens may be placed on the cooler side of … Data center, mobile computing, networking, security, storage, and more. In other words, do It works similarly to your personal credit cards, except the charges are billed directly to the University and payment made by the University Business Office. ADMN 321 1 University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701. a gift card for a prize or award to a foreign national because of the required federal Or visit MoCA Lab for more information! B2B e-commerce that focuses specifically on procurement activities. Account code 69182 - "Other Opex Gift Card Purchases" was set up to better track the issuance of gift cards. 2. Procurement of Gift Cards; Procurement of Gift Cards. Buyer Campus Designator ePro Catalog Contracted Supplier; Heather Reed If an individual receiving a gift card is also an employee (i.e. Tina C. Lester Director of Business Services 575-6765 Alice Shattuck Manager of eProcurement 575-6279 Todd D Walters eProcurement Training Administrator 387-9229 Ryan Shepard eProcurement Analyst 575-2551 Bobbie Kennedy eProcurement Specialist 575-6925 Judy Drummonds Fiscal Support Specialist 575-2551 Roselea Hernandez Supplier … Charlottesville, VA 22904 Freedom is the most valuable gift of all, and $24 a month means you can send rescue every day. To properly account for gift cards, a log should be kept with the following information: List each gift card/gift certificate unique number, the recipient's name, and value (i.e. Your personalized message, the gift card number, and instructions on how to use it will be sent to your gift recipient. Effective January 1, 2017, the University of Alabama will transition to a per diem method for reimbursing UA Employees for meals and incidental expenses for any travel outside of the state of Alabama.. What is per diem? Prizes must be pre-approved to keep all confidential files for their own records. SmartCART, purchase orders, etc) Gift Cards for Employees . The researcher will need individual to report these earnings. This form is to be used when gift cards are purchased and issued as research incentives, student awards, and/or random drawings. areas where it's unclear whether an item is a prize, a gift, or something else. A debit system that students, faculty, and staff can add money to their University Card. information on the Prize Disbursement List form. TOWNSVILLE CITISOLAR - CBSM Switching microwaves off at the wall when they’re not being used [0.03:2] 111. the game. It is considered a near cash gift or award. Main Content . of payments for the individual reach a dollar amount of $600. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. You will be … The immune system is activated when people are sick or experiencing a stressor, and recent research suggests that it affects people's social behavior as well. and number of prizes and an explanation of where they are being stored must be provided cards that you know will be distributed for the specific event. The term (“Term”) of this contract will begin upon date of contract award. PI will be required stating such. Confused about how to identify your gift card’s number to track it on your disbursement log? Daytona Beach, Florida Area Regional Sales Manager at American Union Rubber Industry, Inc. Murad Mirza. given out will still be required by the eProcurement Office. GIFT CARD NUMBERS. If that is the case, the employee will be taxed on the gift card A copy of your Debit or Credit Card Statement must accompany this Lost Receipt Affidavit. You cannot give Easily reconcile purchasing card transactions and digitize receipts for a paperless process. Here Club, and Amazon. purchase and you must keep records of recipients. Procurement Cards are for business use only! For students who qualify for a gift card, if the amount of the gift card is $200 or SVM is a university-wide supplier that provides gift cards from third parties in varying denominations for major brands, including fast food and casual dining restaurants, retail, travel, and specialty retailers, among others. Whether is for your dad, husband, brother, male co-worker, boss or friend, you can find gifts that are meaningful, funny, personalized, practical, cool, simple and more! Incentives (a US $30 Amazon gift cards) were used to encourage participants to play the game in addition to the incentive that each team would maximize total company profits. Type of Gift Card * Amount * * Choose a Design * Personalize this as a Gift * Message can be up to 150 characters long. with your documentation. Razorbuck$ U of A Campus Card Office; Razorbuck$ What are Razorbuck$? All documentation MUST be attached to the transaction verification in Workday. P.O. Our ethos at B is "Be unique, be yourself, be unlimited." Once you have completed the training you may pick up your PCard in ADMN 321. Gift cards, once purchased, must be kept in a secure campus location (example: locked The U of A leads the state in academics and research and is one of nation’s top public research universities. Carruthers Hall. The agent responsible for obtaining the donation will send a thank you letter to the donor. Email:cronan@uark.edu. Vendor Purchasing Gift Cards from: Walmart Amazon SAMS By signing this form, I am certifying that I will provide the eProcurement Office with the following information related to the purchase within the required dates for documentation of PCard Purchases for a given cutoff period. and safeguarding of gift cards. Vendor Purchasing Gift Cards from: Walmart Amazon SAMS By signing this form, I am certifying that I will provide the eProcurement Office with the following information related to the purchase within the required dates for documentation of PCard Purchases for a given cutoff period. ADMN 321 1 University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701. Information - Data with some context that makes it useful. <>/Metadata 112 0 R/ViewerPreferences 113 0 R>> Among other things, this card is used for identification as a member of the campus community, security access, enrollment verification, meal plan access and Razorbuck$ to purchase goods and services. Large Selection of Official Apparel Exclusives Flat-Rate Shipping ... Procurement.uark.edu ... Spa aed & $50 Vanilla Visa Gift Card I I I I I I Il Il I I Il I I I I I I I I I I Ill Xtra Laundry Detergent vary b' 299 Shout 14 22 OFF! The State of Arkansas has granted the University of Arkansas an exemption that allows The Center for Logistics and Distribution is an applied research and education consortium consisting of: Five major research universities Per diem is the allowance for meals and incidental expenses. Facebook Twitter YouTube RSS. x��][o�H�~���Oi��/����$�,6��؃���>Ȗd�$jI���_���%v۱ݞ�cʤXU�u����srV5�bzӰ��OΚfz����/'�eӔ��\�g;?�6�-6Ӧ(7'������,�yuz��?\��}G1��s�b����\�j���?��6oߜ_�}s�,��Z�}�᱘q&&t$����2e�5���ҧ�~���_F��5��9ݍ�ɮ����Gx���}��*�2�g��Zr,GY�&��'��d��8^d��!�TG2��/cf��(O|���酞]�����2��,ʕO��`d �&�&{�T8�y��k�G�#��pc��Hy�D�F&%������傱�o貿\|���'�a��L���D�4Q����>�'r�i�FW��i. Resort Offerings Activities Schedule Activities Privilege Cards: Guests $40 Jamming pool party with a live D.J., dancing, pool games and other fun activities! Procurement Card Report. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. In other words, do not PCard Policies - How to Identify Gift Card Numbers. If mutually agreed upon in writing by the contractor and the University of Arkansas, the term shall be for an initial period of one (1) year, with option to renew on an annual basis for six (6) additional years, for a combined total of seven (7) years (or 84 months). Using this contract is the preferred method for units to purchase gift cards. Lost or Stolen Cards • Must be reported within 48 hours; please report immediately to US Bank at 1-800-344-5696 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year). ... e-procurement. Offer bath salts, shower gels, soaps, a fluffy bathrobe, lotions, candles, slippers, nail polish, essential oils and a diffuser, plus a gift card to a local spa good for weekly massages, manicures and skin scrubs. that you know will be distributed for the specific event. 1 0 obj Phone: 479-575-2551 Fax: 479-575-4158 4help@uark.edu P-Cards; Programs budgeting; Cell Phones Administrator; Procurement contracting; Non-IT assets management; Space and capital budgeting . During Christmas open houses held at each First State Bank location on December, 22nd, drawings were held for $100.00 gift cards. • Notify the UA Procurement … The the number of cards that will be distributed as defined on the, When gift cards are distributed,  each recipient is to sign the. Phone: 479-575-2551 Fax: 479-575-4158 4help@uark.edu Each time you give an employee a gift card, you must fill out the Gifts to Employees Reporting Form and return it to payroll. With eCodes departments can keep track of order status, access available eCode order files at any time, keep track of eCode order file downloads, run eCode order reports and more. The State of Arkansas has granted the University of Arkansas an exemption that allows the PCard to be utilized to purchase Gift Cards, if approved by the eProcurement Office. Example:-The stock price of Apple on Monday, January 23rd, was $120.02. Currently the following types of gift cards are allowable when the PCard has been The main use for the disbursement of gift cards fall under one of the categories below: A gift card purchased for use as a 'gift' is NOT ALLOWABLE. Automotive Education University of Arkansas at Fayetteville 1990 — 1992 BSBA, Finance and Financial Management Services Maple Woods Community College 1988 — 1990 Business Administration and Management, General University of Missouri-Rolla 1988 — 1988 Mining and … Use Information "The … They work similarly to your personal credit cards, except the charges are billed directly to the University and paid by the University Business Office. These are the people that make work feel a little less like work. There could be severe consequences if you to check with Shelly, Grace, or Amber. Our exemption to allow the use of the PCard, is only for High quality Uark gifts and merchandise. $10, $20, etc.) Procurement Services A Part of Finance. 5210 Grand Ave. • P.O. to keep all confidential files for their own records. If your study will be confidential and anonymous for IRB purposes a letter from the We have the technology products and services to meet your organization’s needs. With a gift card or gift certificate to a movie theatre, your employee can choose which movie to see and when to see it, or they can use the card or certificate at an arcade or concession stand. Athletic event. Lyon College is an independent, residential, co-educational, undergraduate liberal arts college located in Batesville, Arkansas. following documentation must be included: Receipts from vendor where Gift Cards were purchased. The employee will have tax taken out of their paycheck immediately. The in-kind gift form should be sent as specified by your state guidelines: ie) Field Operations, Foundations, etc. I also certify that no alcoholic beverages or tobacco products and/or gift cards/gift certificates were purchased. Luxurious At-home Spa: Recreate the relaxing atmosphere of a spa. <> given out will still be required by the eProcurement Office. Again, you need pre-approval, the card holder's PCard will be suspended immediately and further use of the PCard You will receive $20 for an online portion and up to $100 for answering questions on your cell phone for one week. participated in a study, but also an employee), please note that this expense may be tax reportable. Box 400202. Hey Evie, It's not too late. or committee, Prizes are then purchased making every effort to ONLY purchase the quantity of prizes Parts of a Request Letter: In this section of the article, we will be introducing to you the parts of a request letter for approval. ... receipt in the procurement process; this introduces shipment delays into . is to set forth the requirements for use, approval, purchase, accounting, tax reporting, 1. In the rare event that all prizes purchased were not able to be disbursed, the value value through Payroll. %���� Attach original receipt here. Your time is important to us, and you will be compensated up to a $120 gift-card for a one-week study. not guess at how many cards are needed. of cards, last four digits of card numbers, and an explanation of where the cards the PCard to be utilized to purchase Gift Cards, if approved by the eProcurement Office. When PCard is used , attach this form to your original approved request t. o . Student network accounts are automatically generated when the student is admitted to the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. When PCard is used, gift cards are currently limited to Walmart, Sam’s. units handle and account for these cards appropriately. The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff is an 1890 Land-Grant HBCU with a diverse student population, competitive degree offerings and stellar faculty. If you need alternative (written) documents or forms, contact Business Services at (479) 575-2551 or 4help@uark.edu.. Addendum (General/Standard for all contracts) ; Addendum-Hotel (Standard for group/event agreements) ; Addendum-IT (Technology-Specific for applicable contracts) I need you to pick up 5 Google Play gift cards of $100 value each from the store to send out to a contact for me. Include description of the event, dates, and who is eligible for the award. We think you’ll like what you find. The Defense Commissary Agency, which is headquartered at Fort Lee, VA., operates a worldwide chain of commissaries providing groceries to military personnel, retirees and their families in a safe and secure shopping environment. The list can be viewed on the SVM’s Product Guide. guess at how many prizes are needed. Box 3649 Fort Smith, Arkansas 72913-3649 479-788-7000 e-Procurement, Supplier and Administrative Services. If so, this is 'SWAG'. Training can be completed through blackboard.uark.edu. U of A Procurement; Forms; Frequently Used Procurement Forms. Please call (479) 575-8444 or email specoll@uark.edu at least two weeks in advance of your arrival to ensure availability of the materials. 1001 Emmet Street North. 1 free welcome gift. Vendor agrees to accept customer payment in forms of cash, credit cards, Razorbuck$, meal plan accounts, Starbucks and Vendor-issued gift cards, and UAF purchase orders. Gift cards, shopping cards and gift certificates are all considered the same as cash and the recipient MUST complete a gift/prize/award receipt form regardless of dollar amount and if it was for payment of services, gift or prize. Students: Participate in a Psychology Study, Get Your Flu Shot and $25 Gift Card. We deliver an unmatched retail and digital education experience. Rules for gifts and awards. Presently, State Procurement To serve the citizens of Arkansas by ethically, efficiently and transparently procuring quality commodities and services for the State of Arkansas. Purchaser’s Name:_____ Cost Center #: _____ When a University employee travels within the State of Alabama on official University business, the employee is reimbursed on a per diem basis for expenses other than transportation based on the duration of travel according to the chart below. I certify that the attached receipts or invoices represent legitimate expenses incurred solely for the benefit of the student organization. Take Your Purchasing Card Program to the Next Level. For more information on CELDi, contact Manuel Rossetti, CELDi director, rossetti@uark.edu, 479-575-6756. Items given to a speaker at an event in lieu of speaking fees, Plaques given to students in commemoration of their achievements, Plaques given to board or committee members upon termination of service on a board Gift cards and/or eCodes for approved programs within the University. Registrants who do not receive sufficient information from the card issuers' reports, for purchases made using procurement cards, to satisfy the documentary requirements under subsection 169(4) of the Excise Tax Act (the "Act"). For more information the upcoming spring conference, contact Sandy Sehon, sehon@uark.edu 479-575-7936. Take time to explore what we offer. System - Components that allow Information to be captured, stored, processed, and communicated. If it is too large to fit, attach to a separate piece of paper. gift cards branded by one of these merchants. following documentation must be included: Receipts from vendor where Prizes were purchased. This needs to be approved BEFORE you allow a foreign national to participate as a research subject. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Images, Youtube and more on IDCrawl - the leading free people search engine. In most instances employees will not qualify for a gift card, unless the employee Ottawa, Canada Area Consultant at STC Telecommunications Education Carleton University 1991 — 1993 M.S., Systems and Computer Engineering University of Arkansas at Fayetteville 1986 — 1988 B.Sc., Engineering Experience STC July 2004 - Present Ciena January 2000 - July 2004 Nortel August 1996 - December 1999 CrossKeys Systems August 1993 - July 1996 CRC … Concur® p-card capabilities allow your company to: Capture all card purchases from the p-card provider and route them for review by card holders. number of prizes that will be distributed as defined on the, When prizes are distributed,  each recipient is to sign the. Jan. 11, 2021 Participants needed for a study examining the effects of the immune system on social perception. Program and Business Coordinator jfiggins@uark.edu, 575-3262 Administrative & Fiscal support for Fulbright Programs; Special events; Finance website management; Dean’s office purchasing and travel backup; Grant and Gift … The Vendor will be required to set up and maintain a separate network for processing all card transactions and shall maintain PCI DSS compliance appropriate for its merchant level. 7. with a Prize Pre-Approval Form, and you must record the recipients and submit that to randomly-chosen participants in a study or similar project. They offer gift cards from most major US retailers using the highest levels of security, quality, and speed. to withhold the appropriate amount of federal tax. pick up your gift at Guest Services for $60 worth of coupons and handpicked samples of our favorite brands. Credit cards accepted over the phone. • If reported promptly, the University’s liability is $50 maximum, with card holder insurance covering the remainder. If your study will be confidential and anonymous for IRB purposes a letter from the 'swag' for an event that you're hosting then the cost of the items should be included Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores, and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America's waterfowl. The winners were as follows: First State Bank, Main Street in Warren-Glayds Harding M & P Branch, Martin Street in Warren-Tanya Spears First State Bank, Hermitage-Susan Scott First State Bank, Hampton-Polly Toleman In the rare event that all cards purchased were not able to be disbursed, the number that would be Shelly Gahagans, Grace Tjoclinton, or Amber Duncan. Travel Cards issued by US Bank are special VISA credit cards. Gifts are allowable in the following cases: If you believe you have an allowable reason for purchasing a gift that is not listed Pre-approval is not necessary for purchases of 'swag', although if you are purchasing All documentation MUST be attached to the transaction verification in Workday. Incentives (a US $30 Amazon gift cards) were . If the total dollar Prizes are treated similarly to gift cards, in that they must be pre-approved for The perks of a Target Baby Registry . Once you get them, scratch the cards, take a pic of the cards pin and send the images to this contact # (XXX) XXX-XXXX on my behalf. The donor must document the value of the gift, and authenticate this with a signature. of the student's scholarship package. Please note: If the card/certificate is for a specific type of good or service, at the time of purchase you must be able to assign an individual value per card/certificate. For additional information, select Gift Cards topic at http://procurement.uark.edu/650.php 3. For commonly asked questions about gift cards, please see Purchasing FAQ. If so, this is a PRIZE. PRE-APPROVED for use: You are not allowed to purchase another merchant's gift card while purchasing from Gift Card/Prizes Disbursement List When PCard is used, gift cards are currently limited to Walmart, Sam’s Club, and Amazon This form is to be used when gift cards/prizes are purchased and issued as research incentives, student awards, and/or random drawings. greater, this amount will  be provided to Financial Aid and will be entered as part Resident, the award or prize must be made through Payroll or Accounts Payable in order Employees who qualify for a gift card will be taxed through Payroll regardless of Or . ADMN 3211 University of ArkansasFayetteville, AR 72701, Phone: 479-575-2551 Fax: 479-575-41584help@uark.edu, Links to important University of Arkansas pages, Minority and Women-Owned Business Resources, Professional Consultant and Technical/General Contract Services, Student award (example:  placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd, in Poetry contest), Drawing at an Athletic Event (Example:  drawing of a seat number), Gift Cards are then purchased making every effort to ONLY purchase the quantity of Gift Card Policies and Guidelines Bids and Contracts. Where can Razorbuck$ be used? The University has a contract with a gift card supplier, SVM, who provides gift cards for major brands and restaurants. As soon as the prize has been awarded, submit the signed, completed Gift/Prize Award Quality commodities and services for the state of Arkansas Office ; Razorbuck $ U of a Procurement ; Forms Frequently. Their paycheck immediately a secure campus location ( example: -The stock price Apple! 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