Originally known as the German Mutton Merino, the first ten ewes and rams were imported to South Africa from Germany in 1932 by the department of Agriculture for a breeding program. In 1932 the South Africans first imported the genetics and commenced applying selection pressure to improve wool quality and conformation. Germany in 1932. Although all three breeds produce Merino wool and are similar in meat yield, they went through a different historical and genealogical development. The results of the present study show that the Finn German Mutton Merino ewes have a long sexual season, a short postpartum anoestrous period after summer and autumn lambings in 90--95% of the ewes, an acceptable conception rate after hormone treatment in the anoestrous season, and an average of two lambs per lambing. -->
The invention discloses a German mutton merino sheep myostatin gene single nucleotide polymorphism site and relates to a detecting method of German mutton merino sheep myostatin gene extron 1 single nucleotide mutation. The Dormer, a white wool mutton breed, was developed by crossbreeding Dorset Horn rams with German Merino ewes. NOTE: The form can also be used for Comments, Suggestions, and Corrections. It is a pretty new breed and was actually developed in the late 1930s. There are three German Merino breeds: Merinolandschaf (Merino landsheep), Merinofleischschaf (Merino mutton sheep), and Merinolangwollschaf (Merino longwool sheep). The Merinolangwollschaf was developed around 1977 in the former East Germany, to produce long cross-bred wool with a fiber diameter of 30-34 microns. The Dohne Merinos were initially developed to be a hardy woolled sheep that are easy care with high reproductivity and growth rate under harsh sourveld Eastern Cape conditions. South African Mutton Merino . Bamei mutton sheep is a Chinese domestic sheep breed developed by crossing German Mutton Merino sheep and indigenous Mongolian sheep for meat production. Dormer (Cloete & Olivier, 2010). Over the past 80 years the breed has caused a major revolution in wool sheep farming in South Africa. Although all three breeds produce Merino wool and are similar in meat yield, they went through a different historical and genealogical development. Both rams and ewes are polled. Dohne Merino Society of South Africa. The SA Mutton Merino Breeders’ Society has now taken the initiative in the stud industry by ensuring that all SA Mutton Merino rams sold at sales must have fertility certificates, while ewes are simply not allowed in the show ring anymore. There are three German Merino breeds: Merinolandschaf (Merino landsheep), Merinofleischschaf (Merino mutton sheep), and Merinolangwollschaf (Merino longwool sheep). For comparing the production performance with Mongolia sheep and using heterosis, some The Dohne Merino is a dual purpose breed providing meat and fine wool. German Mutton Merino There are three German Merino breeds: Merinolandschaf (Merino landsheep), Merinofleischschaf (Merino mutton sheep), and Merinolangwollschaf (Merino longwool sheep). In this study we examined male lambs of three breeds (Hungarian Merino, German Mutton Merino, German Blackheaded Mutton) during an intensive fattening with complete feed mixture. Reasonator; PetScan; Scholia; Statistics; OpenStreetMap; Locator tool; Search depicted; Subcategories. In South Africa, the name was translated as Duits Vleis Merinoand then into English as German Mutton Merino. Originally known as the German Mutton Merino, the first sheep were imported from Germany in 1932 by the South African Department of Agriculture for a breeding programme. It is highly resistant and easily adapts to any climate and keeping conditions. German Mutton Merino (Merinofleischschaf) There are three German Merino breeds: Merinolandschaf (Merino landsheep), Merinofleischschaf (Merino mutton sheep), and Merinolangwollschaf (Merino longwool sheep). Kivircik is a medium-sized breed. The medium-sized frame is broad and deep with well developed meat shapes. The animals were fed ad lib. The Merino is regarded as a predominantly wool-type breed, whereas dual-purpose breeds are bred for wool and meat. Breeds of Livestock, Department of Animal Science. The Dohne Merino is a breed of domestic sheep from South Africa. This large sheep produces both meat and good quality medium to strong wool of 21 - 23 micron. Seasonal fluctuations in the sexual activity of Awassi, German Mutton Merino, Corriedale, Border-Leicester and Dorset Horn rams:III. Breed category: dual-purpose /
mesic German Mutton Merino (GMM) ewe lambs. The Dohne Merino is a dual purpose breed providing meat and fine wool. The Dohne Merino sheep was developed by interbreeding Peppin-style Merino ewes and German Mutton Merino rams. Bamei mutton sheep is a Chinese domestic sheep breed developed by crossing German Mutton Merino sheep and indigenous Mongolian sheep for meat production. It wa developed by interbreeding Peppin-style Merino ewes and German Mutton Merino rams. In 1927, a project started at the Elsenburg research station in Stellenbosch with the aim of producing a mutton breed with rams suitable for crossbreeding, and slaughter lambs that could grow out rapidly and economically in the cold, wet winter rainfall areas of South Africa. In the German Democratic Republic, Gutsch (1979) obtained 203 percent average litter size and 4.4lambs/ewe/year from crosses off the German Mutton Merino with East Friesian × Finn rams. It is also known as SAMM or South African Mutton Merino sheep. The South African Mutton Merino was developed from a small nucleus of German Mutton Merino sheep in South Africa and is considered a dual-purpose breed. Here, we focused on detecting candidate genes associated with the increasing of the litter size in this breeds under recent artificial selection to improve the efficiency of mutton production. German Mutton Merino sheep - There are three German Merino breeds: Merinolandschaf (Merino landsheep), Merinofleischschaf (Merino mutton sheep), and Merinolangwollschaf (Merino longwool sheep). rnrnrnrnThere are three German Merino breeds: Merinolandschaf (Merinornlandsheep), Merinofleischschaf (Merino mutton sheep), and Merinolangwollschafrn(Merino longwool sheep). Ewes produce an average of … 144 male German Mutton Merino (GMM) lambs with different proportions of Booroola (B) inheritance were studied 1995 and 1997.
The Merino is an economically influential breed of sheep prized for its wool. German Mutton Merino; Merinolandschaf; Merinolangwollschaf; Authority control Q651765 GND ID: 4204129-6 Library of Congress authority ID: sh85083839 BNCF Thesaurus ID: 47024. German Mutton Merino (Merinofleischschaf) There are three German Merino breeds: Merinolandschaf (Merino landsheep), Merinofleischschaf (Merino mutton sheep), and Merinolangwollschaf (Merino longwool sheep). A long and broad pelvis and deep, full thighs are typical for this breed. Body and chest are deep and broad, with a long and muscular back. Although not a true landrace, the South African Mutton Merino was developed through selection for better wool quality and conformation. However, the nutritional requirements of German Mutton Me- rino crossbred sheep reared under the ecological con- ditions in China have not … Measurements were made under laboratory conditions between 20 and 40 C Ta and at a relative humidity of 30%. Visscher (1978) in the Netherlands crossed the Ile de France with Finn sheep and found that the Ile de France × Finn genotype gave fewer lambs reared than the Finn × He de France (2.21 and 2.54, respectively). The Dohne Merino is a dual purpose merino developed by the South Africa Department of Agriculture using Peppin-Based Merino ewes and German Mutton sires. Nowadays bigger and smoother sheep are very pop-ular and the polled gene allows for easier handling. In South Africa, the German name was translated into Afrikaans as Duitse Vleis Merino and then into English as "German Mutton Merino". Please provide a description of this breed as well
Seasonal changes in semen characteristics - Volume 64 Issue 1 - … Schafzucht, Fritz Haring, Eugen Ulmer Verlag, [Sheep Breeds || Breeds of Livestock || Animal Science Home Page || Comment ].
6). on a pelleted grain mixture from 20 to 42 kg body weight. The breed was started in the late 1930s by the South African Department of Agriculture. German Mutton Merino are well suited for intense production inrnarid or in agricultural areas. The dual-purpose Merino is also called the German Merino and was used to develop other sheep breeds such as the Dormer and Dohne Merino. Copyright © 1995-2015 Oklahoma State University Board of Regents.
WHY MERINO MUTTON AND LAMB? Although all three breeds produce Merino wool and are similar in meat yield, they went through a different historical and genealogical development. Although all three breeds produce Merino wool and are similar in meat yield, they went through a different historical and genealogical development. Project initiated April, 1994 - Initial web site opened February 22, 1995. There are three German Merino breeds: Merinolandschaf (Merino landsheep), Merinofleischschaf (Merino mutton sheep), and Merinolangwollschaf (Merino longwool sheep). The SA Mutton Merino is a large-framed breed with a fleece of pure white wool, free of kemp and coloured fibres.